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Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

Cambridgeshire County Council HGV Environmental Weight Limits

Environmental weight restrictions within Cambridgeshire applying to roads or areas of roads identified as being unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

HMRC Buildings Property Details

Address and STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) codes for all HMRC buildings. Updated: ad hoc.

Child Healthy Weight Interventions Statistics

Annual update of the number of child healthy weight interventions undertaken by NHS boards. This data is used to monitor HEAT Targets. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

CPI and RPI Index: Updating Weights

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure the changes from month to month in the cost of a representative 'basket' of goods and services bought by consumers within...

Low birth weight live births

This dataset contains counts of low birth weight (less than 2500 grams) live births occurring in the calendar year in England and Wales to mothers usually resident in England and Wales. Source:...

Statutory Compliance data

Documentation used to record and track compliance to HMRC's statutory requirements on the STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) estate. Updated: monthly.

Number of Starts on Step 2 Success from 2014 – 2020 by Geographies

The number of people starting Steps 2 Success from 2014 – 2020 broken down by Assembly Area, Local Government District and an Northern Ireland total.

YDNPA Local Plan Policy W1 – Ecological networks (stepping stone)

Identifies ‘stepping stone’ areas that have wildlife importance and so are offered some protection against development. Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-30

Population Weighted Centroids (2021 Statistical Guidance)

This document provides information about 2021 population weighted centroids and the methodology to produce them.  (File Size - 356 KB)

Population Weighted Centroids (Guidance for Workplace Zones)

This document provides information about population weighted centroids for workplace zones and the methodology to produce them.  (File Size - 39 KB)

% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)

% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)

Output Areas (December 2001) Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the digital population weighted centroids for Output Areas in England and Wales, as at December 2001. The centroids were created using full resolution, extent of the realm...

Workplace Zones (December 2011) Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the digital population weighted centroids for Workplace Zones in England and Wales, as at December 2011. The centroids were created using full resolution, extent of the realm...

Output Areas (December 2001) Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the digital population weighted centroids for Output Areas in England and Wales, as at December 2001. The centroids were created using full resolution, extent of the realm...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Output Areas (December 2001) EW Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the digital population weighted centroids for Output Areas in England and Wales as at 31 December 2001. The centroids were created using full resolution, extent of the realm...

Workplace Zones (December 2011) EW Population Weighted Centroids

This file contains the digital population weighted centroids for Workplace Zones in England and Wales, as at December 2011. The centroids were created using full resolution, extent of the realm...

Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index: Updating Weights

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure the changes from month to month in the cost of a representative 'basket' of goods and services bought by consumers within...