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23 results found

UK Lancashire Shale Gas wells: Bedding, discontinuity and borehole breakout interpretations

Resistivity Borehole imaging (FMI, CMI) derived interpretation of bedding, discontinuities (“fractures”) and related stress derived deformation feature borehole breakouts from two wells. Becconsall...

Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017)

National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017) [dataset]. Public Health England....

UK in-situ stress field orientation from borehole breakouts and drilling induced tensile fractures identified using borehole imaging

This datasets contains 323 observations of borehole breakouts across and drilling induced tensile fractures from borehole imaging used to re-characterise the UK stress field orientation in 2016....

UK in-situ stress field orientation from borehole breakouts and drilling induced tensile fractures identified using borehole imaging (2020)

This datasets contains 323 observations of borehole breakouts across and drilling induced tensile fractures from borehole imaging used to re-characterise the UK stress field orientation in 2016....

United Downs 1 borehole image interpretation

This dataset contains the borehole image interpretation of the United Downs 1 borehole, Cornwall (BGSID: 21246966) The acoustic borehole images have been interpreted for faults, breakouts and...

Licensed Practitioner List

Guildford Borough Council List of Practitioners Registered to carry out Acupuncture/Ear piercing/Body piercing/Semi-permanent Skin-Colouring/Tattooing/Electrolysis.

Ethnic Minority Populations

There are 3 datasets within this publication showing key aspects of Ethnic Minority Populations in Lincolnshire: Ethnic Groups, Proficiency in English, and Religion. The datasets show 2021 Census...

Incidence of cancers (all)

Cancer registrations for all cancers excluding skin cancers other than malignant melanoma Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher: Information Centre...

Percentage of cancers detected at stage 1 and 2 (CCGOIS 1.18)

The percentage of new cases of cancer which were diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 for the specific cancer sites, morphologies and behaviour: invasive malignancies of breast, prostate, colorectal, lung,...

Hospital admissions: Summary statistics

This dataset provides counts of Finished Admission Episodes (FAE) at MSOA level and higher geographies. The information covers the following specified diagnosis, cause and operative procedures: 1)...

Hospital admissions: By age and gender

This dataset provides counts of Finished Admission Episodes (FAE) broken down by age group (0-64 years and 65+ years) and sex at LA level and higher geographies. The information covers the...

School Pupils Numbers on Roll, and Free School Meals

This dataset shows: • Pupil Numbers on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. NOR is the total number of pupils on school rolls. • Pupils receiving Free School Meals, numbers and percentages. The...

Excess Winter Deaths

The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWD Index) shows excess winter deaths as a Percentage Ratio of the number of deaths expected in the (eight) warmer months either side of Winter (01 December to 31...

Employment by Broad Industrial Group

This data uses a national employer survey to show numbers and percentages of people employed in jobs in industries in each broad industrial group. Data is shown for Lincolnshire and Districts, and...

School Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

This dataset shows numbers and percentages of pupils on roll in Lincolnshire schools who have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Indicators are included to show whether the outcome is in the form of...

Infant Feeding Survey - 2010

Note: Following further validation, a couple of changes were needed which meant some findings previously reported in the Infant Feeding Survey 2010: Early Results publication were reported as...

National Exposure Database

National Exposure Database (NEDB) holds information for assisting HSE for the following reasons: (i) informed policy making such as occupational exposure limits (OELs); (ii) developing...

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Hip Fractures (age 65 and over)

This dataset shows Emergency Hospital Admissions for fractured neck of femur, for persons Age 65 and over by Gender. The data source (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)) has...

School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) or with English as an Additional Language (EAL)

This dataset contains two distinct sets of data. One shows School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnicity (BME), and the other one shows School Pupils with English as an Additional Language...

GP Prescribing Data

We are currently unable to upload to OpenDataNI. Data can instead be found at The data covers prescriptions that are prescribed in Northern Ireland by GPs or Nurses...