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UK companies that own property in England and Wales

HM Land Registry’s UK Companies data contains entries made in the Title Register for property in England and Wales owned by Companies incorporated in the UK. The data includes the following...

Overseas Companies that own property in England and Wales

HM Land Registry’s Overseas Companies data contains entries made in the Title Register for property owned in England and Wales by non-UK companies (companies incorporated outside of the UK). The...

Price Paid Data

HM Land Registry’s Price Paid Data records and tracks property sales in England and Wales as submitted to HM Land Registry for registration. The dataset contains single residential properties sold...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the freehold land and properties owned by Brentwood Borough Council. The information includes the property address, Land Registry title number, Brentwood Borough...

Property Damage Incidents

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has now been retired. Data for incidents that have resulted in damage to Environment Agency property. Attribution Statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database...

Accommodation and Property Records

Records related to the administration of the property and accommodation on the Culham site.

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice: by Single Year of Age

Practice demographic data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). Data for GP Practices...

Single Vehicle Approval (SVA)

Information used to process SVA Applications and is Lotus Notes based, containing report owner personal details and technical information.

Single Onshore Borehole Index

The Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) is an index of over 1 million boreholes, shafts and wells and references collections of digital and analogue records from all forms of drilling and site...

Property asset contract management data

Range of data including performance reports, key performance indicators, finance data and property information, used for monitoring and managing property assets

Estimates of properties not connected to the gas network

Estimates of the number of domestic properties not connected to the gas grid, at region, local authority, Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) levels and parliamentary...

BIS economics paper no. 11: economic consequences for the UK and the EU of completing the single market

Underlying data from BIS Economics Paper no.11 'The economic consequences for the UK and the EU of completing the Single Market' [URN 11/517].

HS2 Property Consultation 2014

High Speed 2 Property Consultation 2014 GIS Data

Capgemini Corporate Property Report

This report produced for Capgemini contains details of Environment Agency corporate property listing the CIS rating - includes address, postcode, grid reference, current use and status. Attribution...

Hereditament Properties

Hereditament Properties

Council Properties

Properties and land, other than council housing, owned by Southampton City Council.

Property Information

show LB Havering proterty assets

DCC Property

Land and buildings regarded as assets to DCC

Property Assets

This dataset shows BCBC Property Assets, it has been collected and is maintained to inform the corporate Asset Management Plan. The dataset consists of three levels of information: Asset Sites,...

Council Property

This records the location and type of Royal Borough's property assets