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664 results found

Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest

Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest are non-statutory designations that seek to identify distinctive areas of the historic landscape in Northern Ireland. The preservation of an...

Significant Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Viruses in Healthcare Workers

Significant Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Viruses in Healthcare Workers

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes represented as points.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links represented as polylines.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons represented as polygons

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links represented as polylines.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes represented as points.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Polygons represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Nodes represented as points.

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links

North Lincolnshire Council Local flood risk management strategy - Significant Infrastructure - Links represented as polylines.

Local Significant Industrial Sites

Sites of particular importance for industrial and warehousing uses.

People with significant control (PSC)

A full list of PSC's provided to Companies House. A daily snapshot. Since 30 June 2016, UK companies, Societates Europaeae (SEs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are required to identify...

Transfer parameters for radionuclides and radiologically significant stable elements to foodstuffs in Spain

Data comprise of radionuclide and stable element concentrations in vegetal and animal food and feedstuffs, and their corresponding transfer coefficients and concentration ratios determined in...

Documents relating to the VMD's internal Alert Group which considers significance of pharmacovigilance data received on veterinary medicinal products

Results of proportinal reporting ration analyses and investigations into the signals detected.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) - Moray

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO's) are served on potentially vulnerable trees which are of significant amenity value to the community as a whole, or trees of significant biodiversity value.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)(Moray)

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO's) are served on potentially vulnerable trees which are of significant amenity value to the community as a whole, or trees of significant biodiversity value.

Non-designated Heritage Assets

Local planning authorities may identify non-designated heritage assets. These are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting...

Health and Safety Statutory Compliance information

Data on health and safety practice and significant affecting factors

Wrecks Database

Database of the location of navigationally significant wrecks in UK waters