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The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

ENPA BAP Upland Heath

Upland heathland is defined as vegetation dominated by dwarf shrubs such as heather, bell heather, whortleberry and gorses which is generally found above the 300 metre contour. The mixture of...

Herbivory and fungal infection data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset includes data on the degree of herbivory and infection of the fungal pathogen, Valdensia heterodoxa, on the deciduous shrub Vaccinium myrtillus in...


The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20...

ENPA BAP Lowland Heath

Lowland heath is defined as vegetation in which dwarf-shrubs such as heather, bell heather and western gorse are a prominent component. Generally lowland heath communities occur below the 300 metre...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm spider data 2004-2021 v2

Data was collected to look at long-term trends in invertebrate ground predators. This dataset consists of count data (by gender) for all species of spider collected from three habitats (mire,...

Element and radionuclide concentrations in wildlife (including representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants) and associated soils from forests in north-east England, 2015-2016

Data comprise stable element concentrations for a range of elements, radionuclide activity concentrations for the isotopes K-40 and Cs-137 and radionuclide and stable element concentration ratios....

Gross Primary Productivity simulations of Great Britain for emulation, 2001-2010 from JULES land surface model

This data is an ensemble of Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) simulations, ran for a select set of 1kmx1km grid cells in Great Britain, each with a different set of parameter values, from...

Individual heath area estimates for land cover types in Dorset: 1978-2005

This dataset is a census of the heathland and associated vegetation from Dorset, UK. The Dorset heathlands are situated in South West England, and are generally associated with free-draining and...


Summary The NFI definition of woodland is a minimum area of 0.5 hectares under stands of trees with, or with the potential to achieve, tree crown cover of more than 20% of the ground. Areas of...

Understanding and addressing the biodiversity impact of controlling Phytophthora on heathland

Report (pdf) contains data in tables that can be used under Open Government Licence. 1.1. Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae are two fungus-like pathogens which affect a range of...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm spider data 2004-2019

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset consists of count data (by gender) for all species of spider collected from three habitats (mire, dwarf-shrub heath, pine woodland) at the Cairngorms...

UKCEH Land Cover Plus: Hedgerows 2016-2021 (England)

This dataset contains a model of the extent and height class of woody linear features on field boundaries in England, including hedgerows, tree lines and semi-natural thickets of shrubs and trees....

Carbon and nitrogen content in soils and vegetation from calcareous grassland, heathland and woodland sites in Dorset, 2017-2018

This dataset contains carbon and nitrogen data from soils and vegetation from 13 calcareous grassland, 13 heathland and 12 woodland sites within Dorset, UK. The sites were selected to represent a...

Distribution maps of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea across Scotland as hosts for Phytophthora

These spatial layers contain the predicted occurrence and abundance of three heathland shrubs, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea identified as susceptible host...

Drought indicator time series for European NUTS regions based on remote sensing data (2000-2015)

This dataset consists in a collection of remotely sensed drought indicators time series. The data was extracted from CEH's gridded remotely sensed drought indicators product (Tanguy et al., 2016;...

Woody habitat corridor data in South West England

This dataset contains polylines depicting non-woodland linear tree and shrub features in Cornwall and much of Devon, derived from lidar data collected by the Tellus South West project. Data from a...

Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS)

The aim of the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS) was to undertake a baseline survey of all native woodlands, nearly native woodlands and PAWS sites in Scotland in order to create a woodland...

Land Cover Map 1990 (1km dominant target class, GB)

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. The Land Cover Map of Great Britain 1990 (1km dominant target class, GB), is a raster digital dataset, providing classification of land cover types into 25...

ENPA BAP Upland Oakwood

The steep-sided combes and coastal slopes of Exmoor still support large expanses of ancient woodland. These are largely of the upland oak woodland type, which on Exmoor is easily defined by the...