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548 results found

Senior salaries

The remuneration and job title of employees whose salary is at least £50000.This information is published annually.Note 1 - Employee is contracted for less than full time hours in this post.Note 2...

Senior Salaries

Salaries of the council's senior staff

Senior Salaries

Senior Salaries

Senior Employees

Scarborough Borough Council senior employee information. Published in compliance with the Transparency Code 2015.

Senior Salaries

Salaries information of senior staff which exceed £50,000. This information is published as part of the [Local Government Transparency...

Senior salary

Link to statement of accounts which contains details of senior salaries

Senior posts

A list of employees that make up the management structure of the council.

Senior Salaries

An annual statement of the remuneration of senior employees.

Q2 2022 senior staff

No description provided

Senior staff pay dataset

Download the dataset of senior staff pay as it was on 31 March 2011.

HM Treasury senior officials travel expenses

International travel and accommodation used by HM Treasury senior officials at Senior Civil Service 2 (or equivalent) and above.

BIS Senior Officials travel: Quarterly Return

This report shows international travel undertaken by BIS Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

Home Office senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Home Office Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking...

Senior Officers' of the Armed Forces: business expenses

Senior officers of the Armed forces: business expenses

DFID senior executives meetings with external organisations

Information on meetings DFID senior executives have had with external organisations

Cabinet Office Senior Officials Travel Report

This report shows international travel and accommodation used by Cabinet Office senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central...

Ministry of Justice senior officials travel report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Ministry of Justice Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking...

Cabinet Office Senior Officials' Business Expenses

This is a collection and collation page for an element of Cabinet Office Senior Official Transparency publications [see...

Senior Officials expenses,travel and hospitality in DWP

The following lists the hospitality and business expenses of senior officials in the Department for Work and Pensions

Department for Transport senior officials business expenses

In line with Cabinet Office guidance, the Department publishes the business expenses of and hospitality received by its most senior officials (the Permanent Secretary, Directors General and...