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156 results found

Living England Segmentation (2019)

This is the spatial framework around which the Living England Phase II habitat classification is based. The segmentation was created in the Trimble eCognition software using Sentinel-2 Analysis...

Green Deal incentives and segmentation survey

Survey of consumers attitides to various aspects of green deal. Includes a conjoint component and segmentation

Camden Demographics - Population Segmentation 2015

This factsheet breaks down Camden’s population by looking at health conditions, and then by their age, sex, ethnicity, and deprivation. Understanding the size and characteristics of each segment...

Camden Demographics - Population Segmentation Supplementary Analysis 2015

This profile is designed to accompany the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) chapter on Demographics, which looks at segmenting the borough’s population by their most significant health and...

Camden Population Segmentation by Ward, 2012

This forms part of Camden’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, focussing on the demographics of our population. This data shows breakdowns of Camden’s population by health conditions, age and sex,...

Northern Ireland River Segments

Rivers defined under Article 2(4) of the Water Framework Directive.

National Forest Estate Roads GB

GB_ROADS is compiled from Forest road network data managed by Forestry Civil Engineering. The data relates to forest road Classification. Forest Roads are categorised on the basis of intended...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

Rivers Strahler Ranking

The first segment of a stream is a 1st order stream. When two 1st order streams merge the next segment becomes a 2nd order stream. When two 2nd order streams merge it becomes a 3rd order stream and...

All MicroCT scans conducted at University of Cambridge as part of the Tweed Project (NERC Grant NE/J022713/1)

Micro CT scans and associated documents (3d files, animations, segmentation files, data files etc) of palaeontological material.

Climate change and transport choices

SPSS dataset containing the anonymised responses from the survey conducted to inform the development of the DfT segmentation model of public attitudes to climate change and transport choices.

Anglian Coastal Habitat Map 2021

This habitat map is derived from true colour ortho-rectified photography (25cm but resampled to 1m resolution for the segmentation process) captured for the Anglian Coastal Monitoring Programme...

Multi-temporal aerial imagery of rivers in the Philippines, 2019-2020

The data set contains multi-temporal aerial imagery for two river segments in the Philippines. Imagery covers: (i) the downstream segment of the Bislak River and (ii) the confluence of the Abuan,...