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Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) -terrestrial habitat distribution data and sources

This multiple tab spreadsheet records the 10km squares for terrestrial habitats reported under the Habitats Directive (all UK habitats but not including Gibraltar). This information was used in...

Source Protection Zones (SPZ) Merged

Source Protection Zones [Merged] have been created as public facing boundaries where individual groundwater bodies within Source Protection Zones (SPZ) have been dissolved so only the outer...

Potentially Contaminated Land Source Areas

Potential areas of contaminated land

National Accounts Concepts, Sources and Methods

Information on the UK National Accounts, methodology and data sources. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CSM

Private Water Supply Sources - Scotland

The Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 came into force in October 2017, and are regulated and enforced by Local Authorities. The main objective of...

River Wye catchment (Wales) species rich grassland creation opportunity maps

A detailed GIS analysis of land use, Phase 1 habitats, National Vegetation Classification (NVC) community data, soils and designated sites for the River Wye catchment within the NRW...

Data sources for Leeds Climate Emergency and Transport report 2019

The document provides links to the data sources used for the [Report to the Climate Emergency Advisory...

GeoStrat Jurassic Report (open source version)

Geostrat Report – The Sequence Stratigraphy and Sandstone Play Fairways of the Late Jurassic Humber Group of the UK Central Graben This non-exclusive report was purchased by the NSTA from...

Movements by location and source type with premise type

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of movements by location and source type with premise type between 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 Attribution statement: © Rural...

Source Attribution - deposition of nitrogen and sulphur to UK

This dataset contains 90 source footprints of nitrogen and sulphur deposition across the UK. Emission data from UK sources of nitrogen and sulphur for the year 2012 has been modelled using the...

2010 Defra MB0106 Tidal Sources JUICE

Exploitable tide resources identified in the 2007 N-Power Juice report by ABPmer. Approximately 28,000km2 of UK waters has suitable physical conditions for the deployment of tidal technologies and...

2010 Defra MB0106 Tidal Sources JUICE

Exploitable tide resources identified in the 2007 N-Power Juice report by ABPmer. Approximately 28,000km2 of UK waters has suitable physical conditions for the deployment of tidal technologies and...

Grow With Wyre Woodland Improvement Grant Project Area

The dataset boundary allowed targeting of English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) within the scheme area in the West Midlands Region as part of the 2008 - 2011 EWGS...

OS Features API

Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich geometries and attributes to generate new insight. Benefit from current, detailed and accurate...

Species richness and recording priority derived from species distribution models for Lepidoptera in Great Britain

This dataset includes a set of modelled outputs produced as part of the DECIDE project. Three groups were modelled; butterflies, day-flying moths and night-flying moths. (For the moths, we only...

IGI Source Rock Potential of the East Shetland Platform

Evaluation of the source rock potential of the East Shetland Platform including an interpretation report, a geochemical database, 1-D modelling input data and results and a comprehensive literature...

IGI Source Rock Potential of the East Shetland Platform

Evaluation of the source rock potential of the East Shetland Platform including an interpretation report, a geochemical database, 1-D modelling input data and results and a comprehensive literature...

Summary by source of on and off movements reported during 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains on and off movements by location and receipt. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Street level crime ( data)

Crime data and neighbourhood policing information from all forces in England and Wales to the Public. This data is what is behind the website. The Police API allows you to retrieve...

Wild bee abundance and species richness, survey data from Leighfield Forest, Leicestershire and Rutland, 2020

This dataset contains records on the abundance and species richness of wild bees along transects in ten 1x1 km survey squares of the Leighfield forest region of Leicestershire and Rutland, UK...