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190 results found

% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants satisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

% of tenants dissatisfied with the way their landlord deals with repairs and maintenance generally

Pay adjustment tables - Tables A

Monthly and Weekly tables used to manually calculate free pay for tax codes with the suffix L, P, T or Y (not NT) and to work out additional pay for tax codes with prefix K.

Gap in smoking prevalence rate between adult general population and adults in routine and manual occupations

Gap in smoking prevalence rate between adult general population and adults in routine and manual occupations. *This indicator has been discontinued.

Average number of days to complete all repairs (excluding pre- inspection time) - (YTD)

Average number of days to complete all repairs (excluding pre- inspection time) - (YTD)

National Vascular Registry 2015 Annual Report - AAA Repair Results

The NVR is the National Vascular Registry. It is a national clinical audit commissioned by the Health Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) to measure the quality of care for patients who undergo...

Fixed Penalty Notice - Nuisance Parking

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for nuisance parking from 2006 to 2009 by local authorities. .‘Nuisance parking’ offences are committed when a business (i) repairs cars on the road, (ii)...

Smoking prevalence among adults aged 18-64 in routine and manual occupations (APS) (2020 definition)

Smoking prevalence among adults aged 18-64 in routine and manual occupations (APS) (2020 definition)

CORE - Social housing lettings (PRP owned) - Vacant days

This dataset comprises the mean number of days that a property was vacant prior to the new letting for new general needs lettings, let at social rent levels, owned by Private Registered...

EU Project Report: SACS - Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage, Best Practice Manual

The SACS Best Practice Manual consists of two parts. The first part outlines the operational experiences gained during the Sleipner CO2 injection operation. The second part consists of...

CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Vacant days

This dataset comprises the mean number of days that a property was vacant prior to a new letting for new general needs lettings, let at social rent levels, owned by Local Authorities. These data...

Statistics on Deaths Reported to Coroners, England and Wales

The annual release presents statistics on the work of coroners in England and Wales. Data are obtained from manual statistical returns submitted by all coroners under the Coroners Act 1988. The...

Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)

Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)

Contact database

Contact database for communications purposes contains contact information and contact history and response. The data is split in to those contacts that are managed automatically and those which...

DFID Annual Accounts 2011-2012

DFID's Accounts are prepared in accordance with the 2011-2012 Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM), issued by HM Treasury. The accounting policies contained in the FReM apply International...

Coal Tax Posts

Classification and repair information about coal tax posts

Freedom of Information Act 2000: statistics on implementation in central government

Quarterly statistical releases on the handling of requests for information made under the Act by 43 central government bodies, including all departments of state. Figures are derived from manual...

General Ophthalmic Services: Activity Statistics

This yearly report presents the key findings from the General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) data collection. The objective of GOS, through community opticians' practices, is to provide preventative and...

Manual water table measurements from experimental microcatchments in peatlands at Stalybridge, Peak District, UK, 2019-2022

This dataset contains depth to water table measurements from ten experimental microcatchments (0.4-3.9 hectares) on Stalybridge Moor, an upland peatland in the Peak District, UK. The data extend...

Potholes and expenditure

This data set shows the total number of potholes repaired each year on roads in Leeds and the related expenditure.