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Remote Sensing database

details of Remote Sensing inpections undertaken

Scotland's wildness - remoteness

One of four component layer of the Scottish map of relative wildness. This layer shows remoteness from the public road, rail and ferry network. The dataset is on a scale of 1-256 indicating...

Scottish Remote Sensing Index

The Scottish Remote Sensing Index (SRSI) is a collaboration between Scottish public sector organisations to public information about the remote sensing data they hold. For each remote sensed...

Remote sensing of crops

Remote sensing of agricultural land parcels and identification of crops.

NYMNPA Remote Areas - Policy ENV 3

The Local Plan Policies Map identifies ‘Remote Areas’ which are covered by Policy ENV3 of the Local Plan. This restricts development in such areas to that necessary for environmental conservation,...

Remotely Sensed Flood Estimates

The estimated flood extent is an un-validated raw product often processed rapidly to share with category one partners during an incident. You must refer to the limitations of the data when using...

ETHOS Remote Access Service (RAS) User database

Contains details of all Department for Transport central staff who have been issued with a laptop to enable them to use the ETHOS Remote Access Service. The database contains the following details:...

2009-2019 University of Plymouth Lyme Bay Baited Remote Underwater Video system Metrics

Diversity Metrics derived from Max N values from Baited Remote Underwater Video systems as described in Davies et al., 2021 Journal of Applied Ecology.

2009-2019 University of Plymouth Lyme Bay Baited Remote Underwater Video system Metrics

Diversity Metrics derived from Max N values from Baited Remote Underwater Video systems as described in Davies et al., 2021 Journal of Applied Ecology.

Gridded drought indices based on remote sensing data for Europe (2000-2015)

This dataset comprises three gridded drought indicators based on remote sensing data for Europe. The data has a spatial resolution of 0.05 degree and a temporal resolution of 1 month for the period...

Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) in the Bristol Channel 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The aim of this project was to determine whether REM can be used to accurately verify and evaluate self-sampling records of the skate and ray catch (retained and discarded) made by the skipper...

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) Remote Sensing Data

The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental...

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) Remote Sensing Data

The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental...

Understanding the Impact of Covid-19 on Remote Learning in the FE sector in London

Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, London's adult education sector saw a shift in its approach to teaching and learning, requiring a swift pivot to online delivery methods. In...

Drought indicator time series for European NUTS regions based on remote sensing data (2000-2015)

This dataset consists in a collection of remotely sensed drought indicators time series. The data was extracted from CEH's gridded remotely sensed drought indicators product (Tanguy et al., 2016;...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Lamlash Bay monitoring survey

Following proposals made by the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST), a no take zone (NTZ) of 268 ha was established in the northern part of Lamlash Bay in 2008 under the Inshore Fishing...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Lamlash Bay monitoring survey

Following proposals made by the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST), a no take zone (NTZ) of 268 ha was established in the northern part of Lamlash Bay in 2008 under the Inshore Fishing...

Development and pilot test of Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS) for informing on the status of piscivorous fish species.

Trawl surveys routinely conducted by Cefas under-sample some of the larger piscivorous fish species, which are often either of commercial and/or conservation interest. Additionally, some habitats...

Development and pilot test of Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS) for informing on the status of piscivorous fish species.

Trawl surveys routinely conducted by Cefas under-sample some of the larger piscivorous fish species, which are often either of commercial and/or conservation interest. Additionally, some habitats...

Long Term Monitoring Network - Vegetation Monitoring Plots

There are 37 sites in the LTMN project, each having 50 permanent vegetation monitoring plots (and 5 permanent soils monitoring plots). For the vegetation monitoring plots, the 50 no. 2m x 2m...