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Older People in receipt of Homecare 2015-16

Data showing where Cambridgeshire County Council funds home care for older people in their own homes. 2015-16 by ward

Service Users in receipt of Adult Social Care

Table shows number of service users in receipt of services (both costed and non-costed packages of care), during the period, provided or commissioned by London Borough of Barnet; by service user...

% certificate applications dealt with within 5 days of receipt

% certificate applications dealt with within 5 days of receipt *This indicator has been discontinued

Non-domestic receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)

Non-domestic receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)

Council tax receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)

Council tax receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)

Number of Service Users in Receipt of Community Care Services

Tables showing number of service users in receipt of community care services during the year, by primary care need and age. Data is from historic statutory returns. Figures are rounded to nearest...

Staff Basic Pay Report

Detailed report showing staff in receipt of salary. Updated: quarterly.

Staff Recognitions Bonuses Scheme (RBS)

Detailed reports showing staff in receipt of RBS payments. Updated: quarterly.

Monthly Differences Data

Data on significant differences between VAT returns and receipts. Updated: monthly.

Monthly Differences Data

Data on significant differences between VAT returns and receipts. Updated: monthly.

Cash Management

A rolling 12 months of cash receipts broken down by month and income stream.

VAT Factsheet

The VAT factsheet provides information on VAT receipts, Home VAT and Import VAT. Home VAT declared on traders returns classified by sector and trade group. VAT registrations, deregistrations and...

Financial Data

Ofqual's financial data comprises records related to the expenditure of the organisation i.e. purchase orders, payments, accruals, receipts, etc.

Aggregates Levy Bulletin

Monthly statistics on Aggregates Levy receipts, liabilities and tonnage for the UK. Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Alcohol Duties Statistical Bulletin

Monthly statistics on clearances of alcohol products and duty receipts for the UK. Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Landfill Tax Bulletin

Monthly statistics on Landfill Tax receipts, liabilities and tonnage for the UK. Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Widening participation in higher education: analysis of progression rates for young people in England by free school meal receipt and school type

Data from the publication Widening Participation in Higher Education [URN 11/1082]

Child and Working Tax Credits - Child Poverty Statistics

Child Poverty Statistics - National Indicator 116: The proportion of children living in families in receipt of out of work benefits or tax credits where their reported income is less than 60%...

Tobacco Duties Statistical Bulletin

Monthly statistics on clearances of cigarettes & tobacco products and duty receipts for the UK. Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Air Passenger Duty Bulletin

Monthly statistics on Air Passenger Duty receipts and passenger numbers for the UK. Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...