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335 results found

Diagnostic Imaging Dataset Statistics

Provisional monthly data on diagnostic imaging tests on NHS patients in England. Includes estimates of GP usage of direct access to chest imaging, non-obstetric ultrasound and MRI brain scans which...

Progress towards Sustainable Operations on the Government Estate

Progress towards Sustainable Operations on the Government Estate

How indirect taxes can be regressive and progressive

An analysis of how UK household indirect taxes can be both regressive and progressive depending on whether the distribution of households were ranked according to their disposable income, or their...

Pupils Making Expected Progress in English and in Mathematics Between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 in England

This Statistical First Release provides a time series of the proportion of pupils making expected progress in English and in mathematics between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 Source agency:...

Management Development Programme

list of participants progress in the programme

Call-off contract PH001/2013 Key Performance Indicator data set

Summary of contract progress and survey results for contract management of call-off contracts for Plant Health

Widening participation in higher education: analysis of progression rates for young people in England by free school meal receipt and school type

Data from the publication Widening Participation in Higher Education [URN 11/1082]

Interim Percentage of Pupils Making Expected Progress in English and in Mathematics between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in England

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides national and local statistics on expected progress of eligible pupils between Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) Source agency:...

Your Charter: annual report summary

HMRC's annual report covering our delivery against Your Charter, including progress and priorities for further improvement.

Diagnostic Imaging Dataset Statistics

Provisional monthly data on diagnostic imaging tests on NHS patients in England. Includes estimates of GP usage of direct access to chest imaging, non-obstetric ultrasound and MRI brain scans which...

HMRC Civil Service Reform

Civil Service Reform: one year on – HMRC progress on implementing Civil Service Reform. On 19 June 2012, the Minister for the Cabinet Office and Head of the Civil Service jointly published the...

Woodlands for Wales Indicators

Progress indicators for Woodlands for Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government's strategy for woodlands and trees Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4

Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 Progress 8 is a measure of attainment progress made by pupils between Key Stage 2 (age 10-11) and selected subjects at GCSE (age 15-16). ...

RAISEonline school performance, absence and exclusion and census data

Information for this dataset is sourced from the Department for Education. Data is held for primary, secondary and special schools in England. Data is calculated at different aggregation levels:...

National Indicators 93 and 94: Percentage of Pupils Making Two Levels of Progress in English and in Mathematics between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in England

Progression by two levels in English and in mathematics between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Information Management Passport Data

Series of spreadsheets by HLB/SABU/Agency detailing staff members who have undertaken the IM Passport and their pass mark. Used by CTLB SIOs for managing training progress and by CTLB IM to monitor...

DWP Sustainable Development Annual Report 2009

The Report provides a summary of DWP progress towards Governmnet targets and mandates.

DWP Sustainable Development Annual Report 2008

The Report provides a summary of DWP progress towards Governmnet targets and mandates.

PLANET' Planning casework database

Data on the progress and status of planning casework, including the personal data of applicants

Environmental Management Team Tracking Spreadsheets x 10

Various excel tracking spreadsheets to record the progress of applications, consultees notified and permits issued