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2021 Census Ready Made Table RM019

Economic activity status by hours worked by disability Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM027

Ethnic group by age of arrival in the UK Table Population: All usual residents

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM010

Country of birth by ethnic group Table Population: All Usual residents

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM029

Ethnic group by occupancy rating (rooms) Table Population: All Usual residents in households

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM018

Economic activity status by ethnic group Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM014

Distance travelled to work by age Table Population: All usual residents

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM002

Accommodation type by household size Table population: All households

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM016

Distance travelled to work by occupation Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+ in employment the week before the census

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM024

Economic activity status by sex by age Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM028

Ethnic group by occupancy rating (bedrooms) Table Population: All Usual residents in households

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM003

Accommodation type by type of central heating in household by tenure Table Population: All households

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM023

Economic activity status by religion Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM006

Age of youngest dependent child by household type Table Population: All households

Local Plan Made Neighbourhood Plan Areas

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2021 Census Ready Made Tables Index

Index to set of Ready Made tables providing data for Camden, Greater London and England.

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM205

Dwelling type (shared & unshared dwellings) Table Population: All dwellings

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM178

Sexual orientation by unpaid carer status Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM176

Gender identity by tenure Table Population: All usual residents aged in households aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM188

Sexual orientation by religion Table Population: All usual residents aged 16+

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM197

Number of multi-generational households by household tenure Table Population: All households