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Register of personal information

Register of Personal Information held by individual MUs

HMRC Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI)

The Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) is based on information held by HM Revenue and Customs tax offices on individuals who could be liable to UK tax. It is carried out annually by HMRC and covers...

Personal Incomes from tax records

Income earned and tax paid by economic activity. Breakdowns provided for those employed and self-employed. Source: HM Customs and Revenue Publisher: HM Customs and Revenue Geographies: Local...

Business population estimates for the UK and regions

Underlying data from the publication Business population estimates for the UK and regions [URN 11/92 + 11/92A]. Provides the only offical government estimates of the total number of private sector...

Business perceptions of regulation survey 2012

Underlying data from the survey for the report on a survey of businesses’ views on the extent of the burden of regulation, both in general and in specific regulatory areas, and how that burden...

Personal Income Analyses: Other analyses, regional

Provides estimates for regional, administrative and political geographical areas plus measures of precision for those estimates. The estimates are for individuals liable to UK income tax and their...

Personal Income Analyses: Except Sub Regional

Provides detailed information on individuals liable to UK income tax and their incomes, including gender, age, income source and tax distribution. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal incomes

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Businesses Admin Burden

The cost to business of complying with HMRC requirements. Updated: monthly.

Single Business Identifier

Data from Single Business Identifier, includes various identifiers such as the Unique Taxpayer Reference (used Self Assessment & COTAX) / PAYE reference numbers (PAYEREF) / Vat Reference...

Large Business Database

Data base of large business groups and their structure. Updated: Ad hoc. Data available for 2005/06

Single Business Identifier

Data from Single Business Identifier, includes various identifiers such as the Unique Taxpayer Reference (used Self Assessment & COTAX) / PAYE reference numbers (PAYEREF) / Vat Reference...

Large Business Database

Data base of large business groups and their structure. Updated: Ad hoc. Data available for 2005/06

Food Business Types

A list of food business types that are used with the Register a Food Business service.

BEIS business critical analytical models 2022

A list of the main analytical models deployed by BEIS to support policies as of 30 March 2022. Recommendation 4 of the Review of quality assurance of government models (Macpherson Review) asked...

Grant for business investment: offers of £75,000 or more

Underlying data from the publication Grant for Business Investment [in England, table 2]

Grant for business investment: number and value of orders

Underlying data from the publication Grant for Business Investment [in England, table 1]

Personal Independence Payment Statistics

This release will include experimental Official Statistics on PIP caseload by geographical breakdown, main disability, age, mobility award, daily living award, gender and normal and special rules...

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) publishes details of all spending over £500 using a GPC (departmental debit card) on a monthly basis. A monthly-updated list of all...

Spend over £500 in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...