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GP practices

Link to which provides data on GPs, GP practices, nurses and pharmacies in the UK. Please note The GP practices file contains all prescribing cost centres as opposed to solely GP...

Time-Use Surveys and the Measurement of National Well-Being

This article was commissioned by ONS, and establishes how time-use data can be used to measure National Well-being. It describes the potential uses of time-use data and concludes that time diaries...

Details of GPs, GP Practices, Nurses and Pharmacies from Organisation Data Service

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). It is responsible for the publication of all organisation and practitioner codes and...

All UK Special Protected Areas (SPAs) with marine components

This spreadsheet contains Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components are defined as those sites with qualifying Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) Annex I species or regularly occurring...

Bristol City Council Fraud

Notes to Fraud Data 2018/19 1. The information provided relates to fraud against the authority, it does not include cases of fraudulent activity by traders, as investigated by Trading...

Public health funerals data

We have a duty to dispose of a deceased body under the provisions of the National Assistance and Public Health (Control of Disease) Acts 1948, if the person who died has no assets or if there are...

Country Parks

There are over 250 recognised Country Parks in England and Wales. Most Country Parks were designated in the 1970s, under the Countryside Act 1968 with the support of the former Countryside...

2009 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch surveys conducted across the county of Dorset at various locations. Chartered boats were used for weekend events from Weymouth and Poole between the months of May and September. Club and...

Serovars of Salmonella in other products associated with the ABPR in GB 2012 - 2014

Salmonella in animal feedingstuffs in relation to the Animal By-Products Regulations. This data lists other (as opposed to main) feedingstuffs products and shows the number of Salmonella serovar...

Deep geothermal potential areas in the UK, version 2

This shapefile shows polygons where there is favourable geology for deep geothermal exploration in the UK and for the sedimentary basins, the areas have been considered in more detailed geothermal...

Green roofs in the Central Activities Zone

Overview ======== An updated spatial data set for existing green roofs has been produced for London's [Central Activities...

2008 Mineur et al. UK west coast records for Bonnemaisonia hamifera

It has traditionally been considered that areas with high natural species richness are likely to be more resistant to non-indigenous species than those with lower numbers of species. However, this...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2021 Q2

The FCA provides an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the second quarter (April to June) of 2021. This is the second in a series of regular updates that will...

2011 Census Microdata Sample of Anonymised Records Teaching File

#Background The main population base for published statistical tables from the 2011 Census in Northern Ireland is the usual resident population base as at Census day, 27 March 2011. By way of...

Dyke-induced fault measurements and predicted dyke properties offshore NW Australia (NERC Grant NE/R014086/1)

Fault analyses used to estimate underlying dyke properties, imaged in 3D seismic reflection data. The seismic reflection data are located offshore NW Australia and image a series of Late Jurassic...

Coastal Cell Limits

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cells

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Ward Profiles and Atlas

The ward profiles and ward atlas provide a range of demographic and related data for each ward in Greater London. They are designed to provide an overview of the population in these small areas by...

Deer Count - Deer Density

Deer group locations and sizes are used in assessing deer populations living on the ‘open range’. ‘Open range’ generally means open areas of habitat used mainly by red deer (for example, heather...