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Off-street parking fines

Data files that contain every fine issued for vehicles not having a valid parking ticket whilst in car parks. The data contains date, time, location, fine issued, discount available, and total...

Percentage of asylum applications concluded in one year

The number of asylum applications received, the number of unsubstantiated claims and the number and percentage concluded.

Classes taught by more than one teacher

Number of pupils and average class sizes in classes taught by more than one teacher in maintained primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher:...

Centenarian Log

Database that monitors and controls the process of issuing congratulatory messages by Buckingham Palace or the Secretary of State to customers when they reach their 100th, 105th and consecutive...

Number of children provided with one-to-one support by IDAS

Number of children provided with one-to-one support by IDAS *This indicator has been discontinued.

State-funded school inspections and outcomes: management information

Management information published monthly and a one-off publication of inspections and outcomes from 2005 to 2015.

Gift Aid Economic Research Data

Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

Gift Aid Economic Research Data

Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

Mobile and Flexible Working survey

Survey of HMRC staff working patterns and attitudes to mobile/flexible working. Updated: one-off survey. Data coverage: 2013/14

Mobile and Flexible Working survey

Survey of HMRC staff working patterns and attitudes to mobile/flexible working. Updated: one-off survey. Data coverage: 2013/14


This file provide a breakdown of the number of marked out controlled on-street parking spaces within the Wigan Borough

One Way Streets

One way streets in the City of Nottingham.

One Way Streets

one way streets

One Stop Shops

A list of One Stop Shops in Warwickshire, including contact details

NNDR Write-Ons

NNDR Write-ons

NNDR write ons

Accounts where a "write on" has been used to cancel an overpayment which has not been reversed.

One O'Clock Clubs

shows the location of childrens services in lambeth

ONS Output Areas

Simple GeoJSON files for the MSOAs and LSOAs that are part of The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. They have been derived from...

CCGBC Off Street Car Parking


CCGBC Off Street Car Parking
