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Food Standards Agency - Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay

Information on Non-Consolidated Performance Related Payments made to SCS and Non-SCS Staff.

OFT Non-consolidated performance related pay - 2010-11

The Office of Fair Trading has published data on non consolidated performance related pay for the performance year 2010-11.

Human Relations - Employee Relations & Human Relations Direct

Commissioned Medical Reports; Health Insurance paperwork including claims forms; ill health retirement paperwork; Employee Assistance Programme; Access to work reports ; casework information

Staff related inherited liabilities

Individualised data on former institutional staff and pension payment amounts arising from legislation in the 1970s and 1980s

Navy News subscriber database

Navy News - names and addresses of subscribers.

Crown Prosecution Service non-consolidated performance related pay data

This data shows the non-consolidated Performance Related Payments (PRP) made to employees for each performance year 1 April to 31 March 2010-present.

BEIS Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay

Departments and their agencies are responsible for publishing aggregated information on their annual spend on non-consolidated performance related payments (in-year and end-year) for their staff...

DH non-consolidated performance related payments

Details of the non-consolidated performance related pay for the department and its executive agencies.

GPS employee spending on business related travel

Business-related travel details of GPS employees

Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay - Defra

Publication of information on Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for departments and their agencies from performance year 2010-11.

Income-Related Benefits: Estimates of Take-up

Latest estimates of take-up of income-related benefits for Great Britain covering: Income Support/Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit & Housing Benefit. See:...

Police related road traffic incidents

Fatalities arising from road traffic incidents (RTIs) involving police vehicles make up the largest single group of deaths following police contact and are therefore a significant proportion of...

Queries and disputes related to fee for Intervention

HSE operates a Fee for Intervention (FFI) cost recovery scheme, which came into effect on 1 October 2012. Under the FFI scheme, HSE can recover all of the costs it incurs from dealing with...

New dwellings on previously-developed land

Percentage of new dwellings on previously-developed land Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Geographies: Local Authority District...

New Criminal Offences, England and Wales

Annual publication of the number of new criminal offences created each year. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Dwellings let to new secure tenants

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Evaluation of the new family returns process

The report evaluates the conformity to process, welfare and safeguarding, preparation and barriers to return of families.

New Deal for 25-Plus (ND25pl)

Starts to New Deal for 25plus. New Deal ran between 1998 and 2011. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super Output...

New Deal for 25plus: Tabulation tool

New Deal for 25plus is a mandatory programme for those who had been claiming JSA for at least 2 years. Those who had already been unemployed for 2 years were required to enter New Deal when they...

New Deal for 50plus: Tabulation tool

New Deal 50+ aims to help people aged 50 and over who are looking for or considering a return to work and are in receipt of IB, JSA or Income Support. At this six-month threshold, participation in...