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258 results found

Molecular characterization of an Endozoicomonas-like species associated with mass mortalities of king scallop Pecten maximus L. in United Kingdom

The king scallop Pecten maximus L. is the fastest growing fishery in the UK and currently the second most valuable. Mass mortality events in scallops have been reported associated with...

2020, Glen Wheeler, The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coccolithus braarudii life cycle protein mass spectrometry

Coccolithophores are crucial for marine biogeochemical cycling. However, much of their physiology remains poorly understood, particularly their elusive haplo-diplontic life cycle. We aimed to...

2020, Glen Wheeler, The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coccolithus braarudii life cycle protein mass spectrometry

Coccolithophores are crucial for marine biogeochemical cycling. However, much of their physiology remains poorly understood, particularly their elusive haplo-diplontic life cycle. We aimed to...

Molecular characterization of an Endozoicomonas-like species associated with mass mortalities of king scallop Pecten maximus L. in United Kingdom

The king scallop Pecten maximus L. is the fastest growing fishery in the UK and currently the second most valuable. Mass mortality events in scallops have been reported associated with...

Ground control points for investigating mass loss processes on Khumbu Glacier, Nepal (NERC grant NE/L002574/1)

These data consist of a spreadsheet containing 557 ground control points (GCPs) collected in the Everest region of Nepal between October 2015 and October 2016. GCPs were collected using a Leica...

Mass flow and tsunami modelling results for potential events in the Sciara del Fuoco of Stromboli (NERC NE/T009438/1)

Numerical models of mass flows and tsunamis that they generated with their entrance in the sea. The mass flows propagate in the Sciara del Fuoco of Stromboli. The mass flows are not real events,...

Activity, energy expenditure and mass data from common guillemots from the Isle of May during the 2016-2017 annual cycle

This dataset contains energy expenditure, sea surface temperature, foraging activity, day length, longitude, latitude, distance from the coastline and mass data from 17 common guillemots (Uria...

Hydromechanical and Biogeochemical Processes in Fractured Rock Masses in the Vicinity of a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste (NERC grant NE/L000687/1)

Bibliographic Data - Oral and Poster Presentations given by members of Work Package 5 of the HydroFrame (Hydromechanical and Biogeochemical Processes in Fractured Rock Masses in the Vicinity of a...

Hydromechanical and Biogeochemical Processes in Fractured Rock Masses in the Vicinity of a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste (NERC grant NE/L000660/1)

Data for NERC grant NE/L000660/1. This is the data supporting Fig. 4 of the publication: Ebigbo, A., Lang, P. S., Paluszny, A., and Zimmerman, R. W. (2016). Inclusion-based effective medium models...

Rehydroxilation of Fire-Clay Ceramics: Factors affecting early-stage mass gain in dating experiments (NERC grant NE/I014039/1)

Publication associated with NERC grant NE/I014039/1. In this paper, we discuss how the initial stages of mass gain are affected by the specific surface area (SSA) of the ceramic material. The paper...

Processed seismic data and ERT inversion models used in the estimation of injected masses for the Ketzin CO2 pilot project for the years 2009 and 2012

Datasets are grouped in different levels. Two main levels exist. Raw data includes processed seismic data and ERT inversion results. Seismic mass estimation relies on amplitude differences and...

Net CO2 exchange, evaporation and heat flux data from Alice Holt plantation tower (1999-2012)

Net CO2, evaporation and heat flux data have been collected at the Alice Holt Flux tower since 1999, these data are used in combination with the data set ‘Meteorological and climatological data...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project data: Performance of Flow Meters with Dense Phase CO2 and CCS Recovery Streams

Fiscal metering could face several challenges during CO2 transport by pipelines due to the unusual physical properties of CO2 and CO2 mixtures. Coriolis flowmeters are an options to measure CO2...

Pollution Inventory

There are eight downloadable files for this data; for the years 2013 to 2022 from the resource links. The Pollution Inventory (PI) has been developed to collate information on annual mass releases...

Water quality monitoring data GC-MS and LC-MS semi-quantitative screen

The Environment Agency uses semi-quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS) targeted screening methods to analyse water samples for a wide range of substances at once. This...

Freshwater macroinvertebrate community data, stream discharge, and hyporheic fine sediment mass in experimental channels recovering over a four-month period from a prior drought in 2022

[This dataset is embargoed until September 1, 2025]. The 3Rs experimental study investigated how trajectories of recovery following a prolonged drought were affected by the prior sediment...

Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction, Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. Papers and associated data (NERC Grant NE/I005935/1)

Data and associated papers. Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. NERC Grant Re-inventing the planet: The Neoproterozoic...

Degradation characteristics of bio-based teabags buried in soil, UK, November 2021-June 2022

This dataset contains a range of measurements associated with the degradation of Polylactic acid (PLA)-cellulose based teabags, buried in soil. Degradation measurements were calculated following a...

NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories (NIGL) laboratory records (hardcopy)

The NIGL (NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratories) laboratory records comprise paper output from mass spectrometers, which is retained for 5 years from the date of analysis, and mass spectrometer...

Childhood obesity

Update of annual statistics on high and low body mass index (BMI) for Primary 1 school children in ten participating NHS Boards in Scotland. From December 2010 onwards this publication will be...