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National Forest Inventory - standing volume by age class GB 2011

A summary NFI report of the 2011 standing volume for coniferous trees for Great Britain. This includes stocked area. Later estimates are available in the 50-year softwood forecast published 2014....

Govt Major projects Project Leadership

GMPP Project Leaders (SROs and Project Directors).

Quarterly major residential planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Annual major residential planning decisions

District planning authorities - Planning decisions on Major and Minor residential development by authority.

Crown Prosecution Service Major Projects Portfolio data, 2015

Each government department has published detailed information about projects on the Government Major Project Portfolio (GMPP). This includes a delivery confidence assessment rating, financial...

Sports Classes and Participation

Sports classes in Council Sports Centres including, class, capacity and attendance. For more details on sports classes visit [Calderdale Sports and...

Host Class

Hydrological Of Soil Types (HOST) - a hydrological classification of the soils in the UK. Definition of each host class plus selected properties

Pupil Characteristics and Class Sizes in Maintained Schools in England

Contains figures on class sizes in maintained primary and secondary schools in England. Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

NI 038 - Drug related (Class A) offending rate

Average offending rate by those identified as Class A drug misusers in the course of their contact with the criminal justice system.

BEIS Government Major Projects Portfolio data

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government Major Projects Portfolio data that supports the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) annual report.

Major Projects Portfolio data for UK government

The Major Projects Authority (MPA) publishes data as part of the government’s transparency policy. In addition to MPA annual reports, this includes an aggregated Government Major Project Portfolio...

Major Projects Portfolio data for Cabinet Office

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Government major projects portfolio data for DfT

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Town Centre Use Classes

Designated uses classes for individual buildings in the main town centre core areas of North Devon.

Leeds leisure centres and classes

A dataset providing the location and opening/closing times of leisure centres in Leeds and a live API of classes being run in the leisure centres including name of the class and running...

Major Town Centres

Shows major town centres in Hackney part of Local Development Framework evidence base.

Major Transport Schemes

Dataset shows selected proposed significant highways schemes within the boundaries of and the responsibility of North Yorkshire County Council

Major Town Centes

Major town centre (MTC) polygons mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

Major Development Opportunities

showing boundaries of Major Development Opportunity areas in the borough, as listed in Lambeth Planning's Core Strategy

Major Development Sites

Major Development Sites in York. For further information about major development sites please visit the [City of York Council website]( *Please note...