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City Car Parks

car parks

City of London Boundary

The current boundary of the City of London

City of London Trees

Locations of all trees managed by City Gardens, Open Spaces Department and all known locations of privately managed trees in the City of London. Only trees managed City Gardens, Open Spaces...

City Development Pipelines

Data shows information on development, construction and refurbishments for schemes to be completed

ADM Main Open Areas

Areas allocated as Main Open Areas in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

City Centre Quarters

Areas identified for regeneration focus. The City Centre has areas where specific uses cluster together or which have a particular character or identity. The Nottingham-Beeston canal is at the...

Congestionreport Ox City

Congestion - Oxford City Centre

Superconnected cities broadband

Leeds City Council and City of Bradford MDC are working together on a variety of digital projects under the ‘Superconnected Cities’ banner. One such project is to work with Small and Medium-sized...

City Centre Boundary

Boundary of City Centre for planning policy purposes.

City Walls Gateways

York City Walls' Bars. For further information please visit [City of York Council's website]( *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a...

City Evacuation Zones

Map showing Bristol City Centre Evacuation Zones.Local Authorities have been asked to prepare evacuation plans for city centres following the 9//11 bombing. The evacuation of the whole city...

State of the Cities Database update

Indicators on employees. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SOCD

State of English Cities database

The State of the Cities database provides access to a broad range of statistical data and information at several geographic levels Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher:...

City Flood Risk Area

Composite flood risk polygon for the City combing areas of potential for surface water flooding and river flooding. This Policy Area is relevant to City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S15: Climate...

Groundwater Flooding Scoping Study LDS23 Main Report Part 1

Defra commissioned project LDS23 in 2003 to scope the potential for groundwater emergence. The data from this study is in 2 parts. This is the first of the two technical reports.

Groundwater Flooding Scoping Study LDS23 Main Report Part 2

Defra commissioned project LDS23 in 2003 to scope the potential for groundwater emergence. The data from this study is in two parts. This is the second of the two technical reports.

City-wide CO2 emissions

Estimates of carbon dioxide emissions.Only the Grand Total is available for 1990.  This is used to calculate the total change each year.

City Centre Caves Area

Area within the City Centre with a concentrated area of caves.

Derby City Brownfield Sites

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations set out a requirement for local authorities to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed (Brownfield) land...

Oxford City Grants Awarded

Record of all Community grants awarded from 2014 15 To 2016 17