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892 results found

Child Healthy Weight Interventions

Progress made by NHS Boards in the first year against implementing the HEAT H3 target on child healthy weight interventions Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not...

Child Healthy Weight Interventions Statistics

Annual update of the number of child healthy weight interventions undertaken by NHS boards. This data is used to monitor HEAT Targets. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

Healthy life expectancy at birth - Male

Healthy life expectancy at birth - Male

Healthy life expectancy at birth - Female

Healthy life expectancy at birth - Female

Deaths involving MRSA

Deaths where meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available from 1993...

Healthy lifestyle behaviours

This dataset provides 'synthetic estimates' and confidence intervals for a range of healthy lifestyle variables. The variables are: 1) Current smoking among adults (aged 16 or over). 2) Binge...

Deaths involving Clostridium difficile

Deaths where Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available for 1999 and for 2001...

Percentage Adult Population That Eat Healthy - Plymouth - 2006-2008

Data showing the Percentage Adult Population That Eat Healthy 2006-2008

% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest

% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued

Mergers & Acquisitions involving UK companies

This survey measures estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies (inward, outward and domestic) with values of £1.0 million or greater. Only...

Healthy Life Expectancy at birth for Upper Tier Local Authorities: England

Estimates of healthy life expectancy by upper tier local authority, using a number of data sources including national surveys, population estimates and death registrations over a range of time...

Mergers and Acquisitions involving UK companies

Latest data on domestic and overseas acquisitions, disposals and mergers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Mergers...

Life Expectancy: Healthy and Disability-Free Years

This dataset contains healthy life expectancy (HLE) and disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) results at birth and at age 65. HLE and DFLE at birth and at age 65 are examples of summary measures...

Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest

Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued

Annual returns for research involving human embryos

Annual return of data from centres who have research projects that involve the use of human embryos

Inequality in Healthy Life Expectancy at birth by national deciles of area deprivation: England

Healthy life expectancy at birth by groupings of LSOAs into national deciles of area deprivation. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Children in Need with Open Involvements

Data showing Children in Need who have social work involvement by Ward. A child is a Child in Need if they are unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development without...

Recorded Crime and Offences Involving Firearms, Scotland

Crimes and offences in which a firearm was alleged to have been used or stolen over the past decade at police force and Scotland level. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Life Expectancy: Healthy and Disability-Free Years for wards

This dataset contains healthy life expectancy (HLE) and disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) results at birth and at age 65. HLE and DFLE at birth and at age 65 are examples of summary measures...

Healthy Life Expectancy

This publication updates and expands upon the first estimates of HLE for Scotland produced by ISD and others. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation:...