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346 results found

Traffic Counters

Location of traffic counters in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

Traffic Orders

Parking and Waiting Restrictions (on-street and waiting restrictions) located within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.

Traffic Accidents

Bristol road accidents involving personal injury that were reported to police and passed on to the City Council. Damage only accidents are not recorded.

Road traffic estimates for Great Britain

Quarterly statistics on road traffic for Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road traffic estimates for Great Britain

Road traffic estimates in Great Britain

Annual statistics providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic, speeds and congestion. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Road Traffic Statistics in Great Britain

Re-baselined road traffic statistics providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Road Traffic and Congestion in Great Britain

Quarterly bulletin providing statistics on road traffic and congestion in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road...

Road Statistics: Traffic, Speeds and Congestion

Annual bulletin providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic, speeds and congestion. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Traffic Commissioners: local bus service registration

These records are updated on a weekly basis, every Sunday. Register of all registered local bus services in Great Britain as recorded on the Vehicle Operator Licensing database (VOL). 1....

Police related road traffic incidents

Fatalities arising from road traffic incidents (RTIs) involving police vehicles make up the largest single group of deaths following police contact and are therefore a significant proportion of...

Road Traffic Counts

Department for Transport

Air Traffic Consultation

Aerodrome safeguarding map relating solely to technical apparatus within an airport. CAA rules dictate that technical sites should undergo a separate consultation exercise from that of aerodrome...

Traffic signals in Leeds

This dataset provides details of all traffic signals in Leeds including their address and Easting/Northing coordinates.

Leeds traffic orders

The following shape file datasets show the traffic orders for Lines (e.g. double yellow and parking bay restrictions) and Region (e.g. restricted parking zones for residents). Using appropriate...

Road traffic accidents

Information on accidents across Leeds. Data includes location, number of people and vehicles involved, road surface, weather conditions and severity of any casualties. Please note ----------- * ...

Road Traffic Accidents

Information on all road accident casualties across Calderdale. Data includes location, number of people and vehicles involved, road surface, weather conditions and severity of any casualties. ...

Traffic Regulation Orders

Location and classification of waiting, loading and parking restrictions.

Road Traffic Casualties

This dataset shows numbers of people Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Road Traffic Collisions by calendar year for Lincolnshire and districts. The dataset shows: - Numbers of people KSI...

Traffic survey locations

Locations of transport surveys carried out by the DfT and Transport Teams. To facilitate greater access to Transport Survey Data. To obtain a copy of this survey data please contact Chris Mason,...

Traffic Web Cameras

Spatial dataset of Durham County Council managed traffic web camera locations. Please see for more information.