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Sites Special Scientific Interest

Sites Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A conservation designation protecting land and habitat in the UK. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Sites Nature Conservation Interest

Sites Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI). Designations used by local authorities in England for sites of substantive local nature conservation and geological value. Upon accessing this Licensed...

Parks and gardens of historic interest

Historic Parks and Gardens

Habitat - Special Interest Verges

Dataset shows Special Interest Verges within the boundaries of North Yorkshire County Council but excluding the 2 National Parks (Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors)


The dataset contains the boundary and name of 69 historic parks and gardens identified for the purposes of the County Durham Plan

Sites of Ecological or Geological Interest

[Sites of significant local nature conservation interest]( in Calderdale....

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Sites nationally important for their wildlife or geology For more information please see our online map [Unitary Development Plan 2006]( This data has...

Sites Special Scientific Interest

Sites Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A conservation designation protecting land and habitat in the UK. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Sites Nature Conservation Interest

Sites Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI). Designations used by local authorities in England for sites of substantive local nature conservation and geological value. Upon accessing this Licensed...

Mayor's Office Register of Interests

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The Mayor of London is required to declare personal interests in the Standing Register of Interests. He/she must register these details...

Assembly Member Register of Interests

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The 25 Members of the London Assembly and the Mayor of London are required to declare their personal interests in the Standing Register of...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

Polygon data showing the location of each SSSI within the St Helens MBC boundary. The data is admimistered by Natural England and the table is updated when notification of change is received from...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

"Sites of Special Scientific Interest" is a conservation designation denoting a protected area in the United Kingdom. SSSIs are the basic building block of site-based nature conservation...

Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest

York's Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest

DCMS Special Advisers hospitality and meetings with outside interest groups

Lists the Special Advisers gifts (both received and given) and hospitality received in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Also meetings with external organisations including newspaper...

Interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts database (S17)

The dataset holds interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts. Updated: annually.

Interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts database (S17)

The dataset holds interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts. Updated: annually.

Register of Directors Interests

FCO(S) - Register of Interests for FCO Service Board Members

Technology Strategy Board Board Members Declared Interests

Board Memeber Register of Interests

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) interest feature details

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. This series of datasets is derived from the UK wide data submitted to the EU...