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419 results found

UK innovation survey 2009: science and innovation analysis

Underlying data from figures and tables in chapter 2 of the UK innovation survey 2009: science and innovation analysis [URN 10/P107A]

Innovation Map

All cumulative monthly Innovate UK public data geomapped - includes some high level graphs.

Procedural Document Management System

The Procedural Document Management System is a database containing records of the majority of science Standard Operating Procedures in use within Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency...

UK Innovation Survey statistics

The UK Innovation Survey (UKIS) is the main data source for business innovation in the UK. The survey is conducted every 2 years, and is used widely across government to help improve policy, and by...

Scientific Procedures on Living Animals

Annual Statistics collected relating to Scientifiic procedures performed on living animals under the provisions of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, from licenses in accordance with...

Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017

The Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017 is a list of the business-led IT-enabled innovation initiatives for April 2016 to March 2017. Innovation opportunities pass through a formally defined and...

Innovate Monitoring Documents

All funded Innovate projects will be required to complete an initial progress monitoring and savings table with the support of a county council officer. This provides baseline information against...

Animals Scientific Procedures System database

Database for recording details of licenses granted under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986

Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, Great Britain

Annual statistics relating to scientific procedures performed on living animals in accordance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain

Annual statistics collected relating to scientific procedures performed on living animals under the provisions of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, from licensees in accordance with...

London Business Survey 2014 - Innovation

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

Innovation Stage 2 Application Templates

The Innovate (19k-50k) grant application is a 2-stage process. Applicants that are successful at stage 1 are invited to complete stage 2 documentation, including a detailed project plan, and a...

UK Innovation Survey micro data

The data contain information on type and intensity of innovation performed by UK businesses

Statistics of scientific procedures on living animals Great Britain

Statistics on scientific procedures performed on living animals under the provisions of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.

Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot, Starts and Outcomes

This note provides an update on the number of starts and outcomes on the Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot. This will cover both round 1 and round...

Procedures for the Release of Cancer Microdata

This document discusses the release of cancer data, which may be derived from cancer registration and/or mortality data, and includes details of what data may be released and under what...

National Audit of Percutaneous Coronary Interventional Procedures 2011 data

The data set contains information about Percutaneous Coronary Interventional Procedures undertaken in England in 2011.

Innovate & Cultivate Fund adult social care costings

The service costings guidance below may be used to support your Innovate & Cultivate Fund application.  Please note that the costings are updated for each funding round.  

2011 Census - Process - Census Payroll Procedures (used for Payroll) - ONS

Record of process and procedures used for payroll

Community action against crime: innovation fund successful applicants

The list of projects that successfully applied for a grant from the community action against crime innovation fund.