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239 results found

Sowerby Bridge Ward

The Sowerby Bridge ward dataset includes the ward map; demographic profile; Public Health England local health report; Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) factsheet; Public health data; a ward hex...

Bridge Height Restrictions

A list of bridges and their height restrictions

Bridge Weight Limits

A list of bridges and their weight limits

National Forest Estate Bridges GB

National Forest Estate Bridges are managed by Forestry Civil Engineering in one of the Forestry Commission's Forester GIS modules. This data set comprises location and category of construction....

Northern Ireland Railways NIR Bridges

A Northern Ireland Railways Structure asset of one or more spans, greater than or equal to 1,800mm who prime purpose is to carry Railway or Road traffic or services over an obstruction or gap, but...

Heritage Bridges and Viaducts

Heritage Bridges and Viaducts that the City Corporation are responsible for maintaining.

Forestry England Bridges

This dataset shows captured bridges and culverts over 1.5m diameter within the Nations Forests. These will generally be created and permanent in character over watercourses but sometimes roads and...

Cambridgeshire County Council Bridges

Bridges owned or maintained by Cambridgeshire County Council or those owned by third parties that carry or interact with highways maintained by Cambridgeshire County Council.

Public Rights of Way Bridges

Point dataset of bridges on the Public Rights of Way network in Devon

Bridge Height Restrictions in The Highland Council area.

Locations of bridge height restrictions over roads adopted by The Highland Council.

Provision of Injecting Equipment in Scotland

Findings of a survey on injecting equipment provision (IEP) to injecting drug users in Scotland Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National...

Results of the ICD-10 v2010 bridge coding study, England and Wales, 2009

Gives results of the ICD-10 v2010 bridge coding study, which shows the impact of the new ICD-10 software update on mortality statistics by cause of death. Source agency: Office for National...

Air Quality Monitoring Station Data - Air Quality Station 3, Market Street, Hebden Bridge

These data files are periodic (15 minutes) measurements of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in the air for the monitoring station at Market Street, Hebden Bridge. The...

Air Quality Monitoring Station Data - Air Quality Station 4, Wharf Street, Sowerby Bridge

These data files are periodic (15 minutes) measurements of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in the air for the monitoring station at Wharf Street, Sowerby Bridge. The...

River channel migration and characteristics from 1988 to 2019 at 74 bridges in the Philippines

The data set contains the Philippines bridge inventory, river migration geodatabase and source code to assess active river channel change (i.e. planform adjustments) using Landsat 5, 7 and 8...

Provisional Information on the Provision of Injecting Equipment in Scotland

Provisional information highlighting initial results from a survey of injecting equipment provision to injecting drug users in Scotland. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

Westminster Bridge Road

showing boundaries of views identified in the Lambeth Local Views Study 2012

Results of the ICD-10 v2010 bridge coding study for stillbirths and neonatal deaths, England and Wales

Gives results of the ICD-10 v2010 bridge coding study which shows the impact of the new ICD-10 software update on stillbirths and neonatal deaths by cause of death. Source agency: Office for...

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of blood borne viruses in Injecting Drug Users

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of blood borne viruses in Injecting Drug Users

Injection Beamtime, mechanical data (NERC grant NE/M001458/1)

The mechanical data (confining and injection pressures) recorded during Vickers indentation experiments on samples of shale materials. These experiments were conducted on the I12 beamline, Diamond...