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Polling Places

Electoral Polling Places.


ScotlandsPlaces is a collaborative website provided by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland and the National Records of...

Parking places

Parking places

Place Survey

The Place Survey collects the views of people on a range of issues concerning the place they live. Its results are used to measure progress on National Indicators in the Local Performance...

Individual TPO zones

Polygon dataset of Southwark Council’s tree preservation order zones showing the ‘individual’ category

Parking places

Dataset detailing parking places in Peterborough including effective data, type and whether charges apply.

Parking places

Dataset detailing parking places in Peterborough including effective data, type and whether charges apply.

Polling Places - Moray

Moray Council Polling Places. Point data showing the polling places for the Moray Council area. A polling place is a the particular building where people go to cast their vote(s) during elections....

Polling Places - Scotland

A ‘polling place’ is defined as the building or area in which a polling station will be located. A ‘polling station’ is the room or area within the polling place where voting takes place. Unlike...

TPOs Individual

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the Local Planning Authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The prinicpal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the - cutting down, uprooting,...

Polling Places - Dundee

A Polling Place is the building or area in which polling stations are contained. Local Authorities designate polling places by virtue of Section 18B of The Representation of the People Act 1983...

Polling Places - Aberdeenshire

A Polling District is a geographical subdivision of an electoral area such as an electoral Ward within which a polling place is designated. The Representation of the People Act 1983 places a duty...

Places of worship

Places of worship registered for marriages under the Marriage Act, both for the marriage of opposite sex and same sex couples. Please note that it does not cover Church of England / Church in Wales...

Projected Demand for School Places

The pan-London demand for school places project is an attempt to provide a consistent view of the demand for school places across London. The project was commissioned following an identifed need...

TPOs Individual Open Data

Tree preservation orders on individual trees

Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Data on Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Tree Preservations Orders - Individual

Location of individual protected trees in Milton Keynes

Pioneer Places dataset

To monitor the delivery of GD Assessments through the local authority-funded Pioneer Places programme

OS Places API

Find UK addresses instantly online and be confident you're getting the most up-to-date information with our address API.  Perform accurate geocoding and reverse geocoding with our secure,...

Places of Worship

Places of worship, broken down by Church of England and other denominations (Please note this may not be a complete list and if any are missing please inform us).