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863 results found

Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore borehole records

This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Some 850,000 records dating back...

Map based index (GeoIndex) mineral assessment reports

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available Mineral Assessment Reports, the information for the index has been taken from the BGS UK Sand and Gravel Database. Each...

Spring Index

Spring Index

Map based index (GeoIndex) site investigation reports

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of site reports covering a wide range of drilling and site investigation work. Some 2000 reports include the logs from over 10 000...

Map based index (GeoIndex) waste sites

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of waste sites within England and Wales. The information is taken from an index listing of some 3500 waste sites in England and Wales...

Map based index (GeoIndex) rock

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the locations of over 12,500 rock samples from the land area of the United Kingdom gathered as part of the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP)....

Map based index (GeoIndex) hydrogeological maps

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available Hydrogeological Maps which have been published at various scales, covering areas ranging in size from the whole of...

Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore drillcore

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of drillcore, bulk specimens, unwashed cuttings and processed material from onshore boreholes drilled in UK by BGS, commercial and...

Map based index (GeoIndex) mineral occurrences

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the locations of known mines, mineral showings and localities, including sites where minerals of economic interest have been identified in panned...

Social mobility index

The social mobility index of England sets out the differences between where children grow up and the chances they have of doing well in adult life. More details available at:...

Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore borehole samples

This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of registered samples of drillcore and washed cuttings from onshore boreholes drilled in UK by BGS, commercial and public bodies,...

Map based index (GeoIndex) boreholes with geophysical logs

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of onshore UK boreholes known to BGS that have digital or paper geophysical borehole logs. The details given for each borehole are,...

Map based index (GeoIndex) offshore geophysical survey lines

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the path the survey ship took whilst undertaking the ship gravity, magnetic and bathymetry survey. This index is based on data from approximately...

Map based index (GeoIndex) offshore hydrocarbon wells

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location, with basic metadata, of selected DECC (Department of Energy & Climate Change) offshore hydrocarbon wells. The source data for...

Map based index (GeoIndex) landsat imagery

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows satellite data at different resolutions depending on the current map scale. At small scales, it is shown in generalised form with each pixel...

Map based index (GeoIndex) geological memoirs

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows areas covered by explanatory sheet Memoirs, along with basic information such as memoir title and publication date. The memoirs...

Map based index (GeoIndex) offshore magnetic readings

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows unadjusted ship gravity, magnetic and bathymetry data acquired by BGS as part of its Offshore Reconnaisance Mapping Programme. This programme...

Fuel Poverty Index - Scotland

This dataset is a Scottish Fuel Poverty Index created in the summer of 2023 by EDINA@University of Edinburgh as part of their student internship programme. The user guide provides descriptions of...

Allerdale Enforcement Index

Allerdale Index of Enforcements as recorded by Planning Department for action. Expressed as Points

Child Well-being Index

The Child Well-being Index (CWI) represents the first attempt to create a small area index exclusively for children in England. Unlike the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), the CWI was...