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67 results found

Visual Boundaries for the National Trip End Model (NTEM)

[GIS files for the zoning system used in the National Trip End Model (NTEM)]( Shapefiles for the zoning system...

Greater Cambridge ANPR Data: Trip Chain Reports

This dataset provides Trip Chain Reports derived from the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera traffic survey undertaken across the Cambridge area from 10th to 17th June 2017. The aim...

Plant composition in coastal foredunes of Florida and Georgia undergoing recovery from hurricane Irma, 2017

This dataset presents plant percentage cover by species, average plant cover and species richness for sites along the foredune area of sites distributed between Cape Canaveral (Florida) and Tybee...

Calderdale Tourism - Sector breakdown of trip expenditure

Data showing a breakdown of the amount spent on trips to Calderdale and what this was spent on . The attached PDF report shows the tourism impact on Calderdale. For more information on tourism in...

2016, Hurricane, Bombardier, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_489

An oil and gas industry debris clearance, semi-sub rig, drilling hazard, environmental site survey acquired under licence E447 in August 2016. The block numbers traversed were 205/22, 205/23.

2016, Hurricane, Warwick, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_486

An oil and gas industry debris clearance, semi-sub rig, drilling hazard, environmental site survey acquired under licence P2294 between August and September 2016. The block number traversed was...

2011, Ithaca Energy (UK) Ltd, Hurricane, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2481

An oil and gas industry site survey acquired in April 2011. The UKCS block number traversed was 29/10.

Plant cover in a Floridian foredune following hurricane Irma in 2017: effect of experimental wrack removal

The dataset contains plant cover by species sampled on three occasions using a grid of 0.5 x 0.5m quadrats within experimental field plots. The percentage cover of each species was estimated...

Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey 2023 - district summaries

Each year, the Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey (TRADS) collects detailed transport and travel information from every member (aged five or older) of 2,000 Greater Manchester households....

Belfast Bike Historical Data

These data sets contain anonymised trip data from Belfast Bikes.

Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey 2022 - district summaries

Each year, the Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey (TRADS) collects transport and travel information from every member (aged over four) of 2,000 households; respondents provide details about all...

Livermore records of fungi 1975-2000

Records of Fungi by Pat Livermore of Lancaster 1975-2000. Based on paper records of field trips and microscope identification.

National Transport Model Highway Assignment Output

Data file from the NTM V4 highway assignment module. Contains all-day trip data for 2004. Further technical information is included in the zip file.

Small pelagic fish sampling programme 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) project initiated a self-sampling programme, through collaboration between industry and scientists, to respond to the need of data. Fishers filled in...

Small pelagic fish sampling programme 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) project initiated a self-sampling programme, through collaboration between industry and scientists, to respond to the need of data. Fishers filled in...


A car club offers members the convenience of being able to use clean, modern and reliable vehicles for those trips you cannot do by using public transport, cycling or walking.

Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport (CSRGT)

Domestic data for GB registered Heavy Goods Vehicles, input data includes names and addresses of individuals and companies together with Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM). (120,000 vehicle records,...

Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport NI

Domestic data for Northern Ireland registered Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), input data includes names and addresses of individuals and companies together with Vehicle Registration Mark. (10,000...

National Rail Travel Survey

Report on a survey of passenger trips on the national rail system in Great Britain on weekdays, outside school holidays. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

FISP Filling the Gap 2022-2024 WP2 Crustacean Observer Data

Brown crab and European lobster size composition data was collected by researchers onboard commercial crustacean potting vessels across Wales. Core measurements taken include: string number, number...