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79 results found

Bristol City Council Events

Bristol plays host to hundreds of events each year, from local street parties to large-scale sporting events like the Half-Marathon. This feed provides a list of these events.

Crossrail Act - Petition Response Documents

A collection of several hundred CDs containing petition response documents, given to those who petitioned the Crossrail Bill prior to its Royal Assent as the Crossrail Act 2008.Data collection...

National Archives - Annual Accessions to Repositories

The National Archives collects information from over two hundred record repositories throughout the British Isles about manuscript accessions received in the previous twelve months through their...

Map based index (GeoIndex) mineral assessment reports

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available Mineral Assessment Reports, the information for the index has been taken from the BGS UK Sand and Gravel Database. Each...


An allotment is a plot of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. Such plots are formed by subdividing a piece of land into a few or up to several...

Allotment Locations

An allotment garden, often called simply an allotment is a plot of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. Such plots are formed by subdividing a piece...

UK sand and gravel database

The UK Sand and Gravel Database was compiled during the production of the Industrial Mineral Assessment Reports. The Department of the Environment commissioned this Report series from the British...

Turnover information.

This is provided by companies for the purpose of calculating the plant protection products and biocides Annual Charges payable by approval holders each year. These datasets are electronic...

Defence and Security Export Statistics

UK defence export performance data is based on information provided by hundreds of UK Companies to UK Trade and Investment Defence and Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) via a voluntary survey. This...

DNPA Veteran Trees

All veteran tree information has been recorded by DNPA in 2004/5. A Veteran tree or legacy tree is a tree which, because of its great age, size or condition is of exceptional cultural, landscape or...

Tephra occurrences offshore Japan, collected from shipboard records of IODP, ODP and DSDP sediment cores. (NERC grant NE/I006125/1)

This MS Excel dataset contains tephra depth and age data from ocean drilling expeditions around Japan. IODP, ODP and DSDP shipboard core description records were examined for mentions of volcanic...

Neighbourhood Planning areas in England

This data is based on research by DCLG of known designated neighbourhood planning areas across England. It covers: • The name of the neighbourhood planning area • The local authority • The...

Historic Herring data 1905-1990

This record relates to a substantial amount of hard copy herring data which is stored off site in the fisheries data archive. This archive contains hundreds of files, ledgers, log books, box...

Historic Herring data 1905-1990

This record relates to a substantial amount of hard copy herring data which is stored off site in the fisheries data archive. This archive contains hundreds of files, ledgers, log books, box...

Hydrological modelling and simulation data for the River Trent at Colwick under climate change

This data contains the time series flow discharge results of hydrological simulation of the River Trent at Colwick using UKCP09 Weather Generator inputs for a variety of time slices and emissions...

Evolution of Carbon Cycle Dynamics (eCCD) (NERC grant NE/H022554/1)

The global carbon cycle - how much carbon is stored in its interconnected reservoirs (ocean, atmosphere, plants and soils on land, sediments in the deep sea) as well as the fluxes between them, is...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR14794

Survey name: Penenden Heath, North of Chiltern Hundreds (Maidstone LP Site 50) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

London's Urban Heat Island - Average Summer

For an urban heat island map during a warm summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island) This map shows the results of an ‘UrbClim’ simulation for the mean temperature...

Habitat point records from 1994 Ambios Lyme Bay sublittoral sediment survey

Grab sampling of the subtidal benthic invertebrates was attempted at 50 sites in Lyme Bay, Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour in May 1994. At several sites the substrate was unsuitable for grab...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi PIT data from Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha

Darwin Plus Project 053 Location - Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha The dataset is under Embargo...