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69 results found

1956 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) European Continental Slope RV Sarsia Cruise No. 8

Records supplied by Dr. Eve Southward of benthos found on the 1956 RV Sarsia Cruise No. 8. Samples were taken from the European continental slope off the west coast of France, using either a...

1958 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) European Continental Slope RV Sarsia Cruise No. 6

Records from the 1958 RV Sarsia cruise no. 6 to the European continental shelf off the west coast of France. Samples of benthos were collected using a mixture of 4ft rectangular dredge and bowed...

1970 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) European Continental Slope RV Sarsia Cruise July

Records from the RV Sarsia Cruise in July 1970 along the European continental slope west of France. Samples were collected using a number of methods including a 4ft rectangular dredge, anchor...

EU Waste Carriers Licences and Waste Processing Sites Permits

Collated information on waste carriers licences and waste processing sites permits in 14 EU Member States, provided as a zip archive of CSV files. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,...

Geochemical data associated with NERC Fellowship NE/I02089X/1

Includes XRF elemental abundance data, LECO data, organic geochemical data (GC-MS), and os-isotope and associated Re and Os abundance data. Geographical area - primarily France (Paris and...

1967 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Bay of Biscay RV Sarsia Cruise July

Records from the RV Sarsia Cruise in july 1967 along the north coast of Spain and west south west coast of France. Samples were collected using a number of methods including epibenthic sled, anchor...

EU Project: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research

The CO2CARE (CO2 Site Closure Assessment REsearch) project focused on site closure and preparation for transfer of liability of a CO2 storage project in order to assist regulatory authorities and...

1826 - 2010 The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBA) Catalogue of the Herbarium of British algae and lichens

This catalogue contains records for all the specimens contained in the MBA Herbarium, which includes: - Rhodophyceae: more than 2500 records/specimens - Phaeophyceae: more...

1996-1999 EC Study Contract Clyde Sea BIOMAERL

A project investigating biomaerl biodiversity, functional structure and related anthropogenic impacts was funded by the European Commission under MASTS-3. The three year project involved...

2006 Kerkhof et al. North Sea record of Rapana venosa

An invasive gastropod, the veined whelk Rapana venosa, was first recorded in July 2005 in the Dutch part of the North Sea, and in September 2005 in the central southern North Sea (the wider Thames...

2006 Kerckhof et al. North Sea record of Rapana venosa

An invasive gastropod, the veined whelk Rapana venosa, was first recorded in July 2005 in the Dutch part of the North Sea, and in September 2005 in the central southern North Sea (the wider Thames...

2006 Kerckhof et al. North Sea record of Rapana venosa

An invasive gastropod, the veined whelk Rapana venosa, was first recorded in July 2005 in the Dutch part of the North Sea, and in September 2005 in the central southern North Sea (the wider Thames...

2000-2012 John Bishop United Kingdom Non-Native Data

Non-native ascidians can be a major feature of sessile communities, particularly in artificial habitats, but may be overlooked because of poor understanding of species’ taxonomy and biogeographic...

Magnetotelluric and Transient Electromagnetic data from Afar, Ethiopia (NERC Grant NE/E007147/1)

This data set comprises broadband magnetotelluric (MT) and transient electromagnetic (TEM) data collected during three field seasons in 2008, 2009 and 2010 by a team of researchers from the...

EU Project: NASCENT - Natural Analogues for the Geological Storage of CO2

In January 1993, as part of the Joule II Non-nuclear Energy Research Programme, the European Commission initiated a two year study of the potential for the disposal of industrial quantifies of...

EU Project: Joule II - The underground disposal of carbon dioxide

In January 1993, as part of the Joule II Non-nuclear Energy Research Programme, the European Commission initiated a two year study of the potential for the disposal of industrial quantifies of...

Global river cellulose decomposition assay data 2016-17

This dataset contains information regarding mountain river sites sampled in 2016-17. It includes: 1) physicochemical parameters of the river sites sampled, 2) tensile-strength loss data of a...

2005-2006, CEFAS, The Eastern English Channel Marine Habitat Map Survey Element

"The aim of the Eastern English Channel Marine Habitat Map (EECMHM) study is to produce integrated regional habitat maps. The principal driver is the planned exploitation of substantial marine...

2005-2006, CEFAS, The Eastern English Channel Marine Habitat Map

The aim of the Eastern English Channel Marine Habitat Map (EECMHM) study is to produce integrated regional habitat maps. The principal driver is the planned exploitation of substantial marine...

Bardsey Seal Counts

Grey seals Halichoerus grypus are among the rarest seals in the world: the UK population represents about 40% of the world population and 95% of the EU population. Globally, there are three...