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Database used by the Youth Justice Board placement service to record custodial orders (e.g. hearing date, Court name, custodial Order type) and placement results.It is used to record sentence...

E-Scooter Parking Bays

York’s micromobility trial was completed at the end of May 2024. All e-bikes and e-scooters provided by the contractor, TIER, have been removed from the city. The E-Scooter parking bays in York...

International e-Commerce Benchmarking

International e-Commerce Benchmarking Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative title: e-Commerce

Books Borrowed - E-Library

Books Borrowed - E-Library

A&E weekly data

The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

A&E weekly data

The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

Enhanced Hepatitis E database

Collation of enhanced surveillance data on Hepatitis E

E-commerce business survey

The Survey collects data on ICT usage and e-commerce from businesses in the UK. There are separate questionnaires for the financial and non-financial sectors, with the non-financial sector excluded...

KCW E-Communities database

Known Consignor Website (KCW) E-Communities database contains addresses and contact information of companies who export goods by air, contact details of Validators who inspect sites. Certain...

eSAY Statistics Release

Easy Read version of the data collection on the numbers of adults with learning disabilities in Scotland and the services they use. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official...

DBS e-bulk enabled Registered Bodies

Data shows a list of e-Bulk enabled Registered Bodies (RB), the number of checks each e-RB has submitted, via both paper and e-Bulk, over the last 12 months. The final column details which...

Shared Services E-Mail System

SSC E-Mail System containing contact details of staff.

Bristol City Council e-Petitions

Bristol's ePetitioner allows you to support a petition by adding your name and address online.

London NHS A&E Performance Report

The percentage of people who have been seen within four hours in all types of accident and emergency (A&E) departments in London Hospitals. The data includes the following by NHS hospital and...

A&E and Ambulance weekly data

Weekly data on A&E activity and patients waiting over 4 hours for admission, transfer or discharge, as well as ambulance data including numbers of urgent journeys and Category A and B...

Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W

The Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W limit

Cardinus Health and Safety e-learning

E-Learning System to deliver workstation training and risk assessments.

E-Auctions carried out by GPS

A list of the e-Auctions by value that have been carried out by GPS within each category

Homelessness P1E quarterly return

The following dataset provides statistics on the quarterly P1E return.  Each local housing authority is required to consider housing needs within its area, including the needs of homeless...

Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) e-mail

MAIB Inspectors have access to an e-mail system that is separate from, but which complements their ETHOS accounts. This allows them to access their e-mail in the field, and has fewer restrictions...