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South Lakes Safari Zoo Inspection Form

South Lakes Safari Ltd in Dalton, trading as the Safari Zoo, is licensed by the Council under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. It is subject to periodic formal inspections led by Inspectors approved by...

Internal Drainage Boards IDB1 blank form 2014-2015

Internal Drainage Boards provide a return to Defra every year covering financial, management and administrative data. The data provided is available as open data in separate catalog/data-setss for...

Internal Drainage Boards IDB1 blank form 2012-2013

Internal Drainage Boards provide a return to Defra every year covering financial, management and administrative data. The data provided is available as open data in separate catalog/data-setss for...

Internal Drainage Boards IDB1 blank form 2011-2012

Internal Drainage Boards provide a return to Defra every year covering financial, management and administrative data. The data provided is available as open data in separate catalog/data-setss for...

Internal Drainage Boards IDB1 blank form 2010-2011

Internal Drainage Boards provide a return to Defra every year covering financial, management and administrative data. The data provided is available as open data in separate catalog/data-setss for...

Internal Drainage Boards IDB1 blank form 2009-2010

Internal Drainage Boards provide a return to Defra every year covering financial, management and administrative data. The data provided is available as open data in separate catalog/data-setss for...

Internal Drainage Boards IDB1 blank form 2013-2014

Internal Drainage Boards provide a return to Defra every year covering financial, management and administrative data. The data provided is available as open data in separate catalog/data-setss for...

Performance Management Form System

Records of individual performance management reviews and process and historical records for former members of staff.

16-19 Bursary Fund Vulnerable Students Claim Form

Institutions requesting funds for students they have identified as being in one of the defined vulnerable bursary categories for the current academic year must complete a funding claim form...

Statement of Fitness for work form (Med 3) change trial data

Anonymised dataset from experimental vignette study with GPs on changes to the med3 (statement of fitness for work) form. 580 GPs from England Scotland and Wales. Questions on GP attitudes to...

Vetting Data on Security Questionnaire Forms

Applicant - name, title, date of birth, place of birth, current and past address, postcode, employer name, nationality, government service history and criminal history. Applicant's partner and...

2009 Census Rehearsal Images of forms

Completed questionnaires from the 2009 census rehearsal

Surveyors - Survey and Inspection Form Flow

Contains vessel details, permitted modes of operation, exemptions granted to regulations and company details

Residential Support Scheme AS1 Form

Data is collected by the LSS (on behalf of the EFA) from institutions with students receiving support from the Residential Support Scheme to confirm if the student(s) have completed the academic...

Surveyors - Survey and Inspection Electronic Forms

Contains vessel details, permitted modes of operation, exemptions granted to regulations and company details

Construction Notifications. Form 10 (F10) Database

The F10 Database contains details of planned construction projects, provided to HSE by Construction Design Management co-ordinators on those projects. The types of projects that must notify HSE...

Further Education and Sixth Form College Accounts

Combined Skills Funding Agency and Education Funding Agency database of college finance records for the year ended 31 July 2012.

2001 census - Images of completed 2001 Census forms


Statement of Fitness for work form (Med 3) evaluation data

Data collected from 58,695 fit notes issued to 25,000 patients between Oct 2011 and Jan 2013 in England, Scotland and Wales. Aim: quantitative assessment of the fit note to strengthen the evidence...

British council corporate plan and other key corporate documents in electronic form

British Council - Most recent British Council corporate plan and other key corporate documents such as the governance agreements with the Foreign and commonwealth Office