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462 results found

House building: Dwellings Completed - Private

Dwellings completed by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc. Tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by...

House building: Dwellings Started

Dwellings built, starts and completions, by tenure, by house and flat, number of bedrooms etc. Tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables,...

Berwickshire and North Northumberland EMS Mudflats and Shallow Inlets and Bays survey

Four sites on the Berwickshire and North Northumberland European Marine Site were surveyed in order to assess the condition of intertidal sand and mud flats and establish a baseline for...

Possession Claim Online

Case management system for claims made through Possession Claim online. Details include personal details of individuals and parties involved, details of items, dwellings, (such as houses, flats) in...

Species point records from 1982 University of Exeter Isles of Scilly littoral sediment survey

Of the 4 shores surveyed, our conclusion is that they rank as follows in descending order of importance: i) Old Grimsby Zostera bed and Rushy Point, ii) Tresco Flats, iii) St Martin's Flats, iv)...

Habitat point records from 1982 University of Exeter Isles of Scilly littoral sediment survey

Of the 4 shores surveyed, our conclusion is that they rank as follows in descending order of importance: i) Old Grimsby Zostera bed and Rushy Point, ii) Tresco Flats, iii) St Martin's Flats, iv)...

Map based index (GeoIndex) 1:50000 series paper geological map availability

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the availability of 1:50000 series paper geological maps. For England and Wales (and Northern Ireland), map sheets normally cover an area 30 km...

AddressBase Islands

AddressBase® Islands delivers the detail for Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands which you find in AddressBase Plus and AddressBase Premium. AddressBase Islands is available in...

Sublittoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation

Further survey of the Essex Estuaries cSAC: Phase 1 survey on the intertidal mud & sand flats, sublittoral biotope ground-truthing

Littoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation

Further survey of the Essex Estuaries cSAC: Phase 1 survey on the intertidal mud & sand flats, sublittoral biotope ground-truthing

Species point records from 1972 Holme Drakes Island (Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The small degree of human interference and the rather flat rock surfaces on the south side of the island might make this a suitable shore for permanent monitoring.

Habitat point records from 1972 Holme Drakes Island (Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The small degree of human interference and the rather flat rock surfaces on the south side of the island might make this a suitable shore for permanent monitoring.

Consular Management Information

FCO Consular Management Information (MI) Data from various sources (including Compass, BRIDGE, and the Online Monthly Collection Sheet (OMCS) returns). It is used to allow Consular to retrieve...

Monthly Overseas Trade Statistics datasets and importers details

These are downloadable open format versions of the complete monthly Overseas Trade Statistics (OTS) and Importers Details datasets, with a 6 year archive of past data. They are published by HM...

CABE Dwelling Size Study

Floor space provided in 200 typical houses and flats across England. Raw data on room sizes, GIA, NIA, in sq m, plus additional data such as garages, numbers of bathrooms and design occupancy...

OS VectorMap District

OS VectorMap District is a simple vector dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used...


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 19 Regulatory Accounts (Historical Cost Accounting) Balance Sheet as at 31 March

Index Data From Field Note Record Sheets.

Index data from field note record sheets. These records are produced by BGS geologists as part of the geological mapping process and are written descriptions of localities, or sections, or records...

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for East of Celtic Deep recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

Updated broadscale habitat map for East of Celtic Deep recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ), resulting from an analysis of the dedicated survey data. The broadscale habitat ‘A5.2 Subtidal...

Camden Wards Profile (Excel) Jan 2020

Excel data sheet updated wards profile with data sheet and associated graphs.