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209 results found

The feasibility of measuring the sharing economy

In response to user demand, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has undertaken a feasibility study to explore potential ways that the sharing economy could be measured and has outlined action...

West Hendon Playing Fields - Feasibility Study including the Draft Master Plan

The meeting of the Environment Committee on 14 March 2019 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the...

Feasibility study into Quantum Technology-based Gravity Sensing for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

This study was carried out jointly by the University of Birmingham and the British Geological Survey. The report addresses the feasibility of using novel quantum-technology-based gravity sensors to...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2011-01: Feasibility Study for Europe-Wide CO2 Infrastructure

Technical report. Ove Arup & Partners Limited (Arup) and their partners Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS) were commissioned in December 2009 by the European Commission...

EU Project Report: Multicomponent seismic monitoring of CO2 gas cloud in the Utsira Sand: A feasibility study : Saline Aquifer Co2 Storage Phase 2 (SACS2)

This document is part of the second phase of the Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage (SACS2) project. It describes the results of Task 5.6 of Work Area 5 (Geophysics): Feasibility of multicomponent data...

Web analytics for East Sussex County Council

Open read-only access to Google Analytics reports for some East Sussex County Council websites. We are happy for this data to be used under the Open Government Licence, but clearly Google's Terms...

Blackberry Enterprise Server

Contains username, password, real name and internist emails. Data collection ceased.

Network logons

Enables ONS staff to logon to the network - Includes ID and password

Senior Civil Service Pay

Annual Senior Civil Service (SCS) Pay Award & bonus recommendations stored in a series of password protected spreadsheets.

Supporting People Client Record

This service provides acces to Client Records, Short-term Outcomes and Long-term Outcomes. The latter two require a password to access the data. The site is run and managed by the Centre for Housng...

Traveline National Dataset

This is the Traveline National Dataset (TNDS) which contains public transport timetables for bus , light rail, tram and ferry services in Great Britain. It does not include national rail or coach...

UK Miscellaneous: Report: A preliminary feasibility study for the underground disposal of carbon dioxide in UK 1991 (THE first UK CO2 storage publication)

This is THE first CO2 storage publication produced in the UK. The Association of the Coal Producers of the European Community are agreed that immediate action is required to reduce the build up of...

FRS Households Below Average Income (HBAI)

Produce small area income estimates also for investigating the feasibility of transferring SILC to FRS

Pollinators as delivery agents

Feasibility study into the potential of crop pollinators to act as delivery agents of entomopathogenic fungi

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 3 and 4_v1.10

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. The Scenario 3 dataset considers all technically...

Local Development Plan: Development Road Actions - Argyll and Bute

Action identified in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 in support of its settlement plans and proposals involving safeguarding measures, feasibility studies into options and...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) technical briefings, technical letters and technical journal responses (2010 - 2015)

Contains 6 SCCS technical briefings, technical letters and technical journal responses - Working Paper 2010-04: Popular response to Economides, CO2 storage is feasible; Working Paper 2010-05:...

2000 Hastings Shingle Bank Crab Depletion Study

The feasibility of using catch depletion methodologies as a way of assessing edible crab (*Cancer pagurus*) stocks was investigated on the Hastings Shingle Bank commercial crabbing ground,...

2000 Hastings Shingle Bank Crab Depletion Study

The feasibility of using catch depletion methodologies as a way of assessing edible crab (*Cancer pagurus*) stocks was investigated on the Hastings Shingle Bank commercial crabbing ground,...

West Hendon Playing Fields – Addendum Report, Consultation Report and Draft Final Master Plan

The meeting of the Environment Committee on 12 March 2020 will consider a report on Sports Hubs master planning. The development of three Sports Hubs in Barnet was one of the recommendations of the...