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River water quality: Annual average concentrations of selected determinands

This series is an amalgamation of all the river water quality data sets previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information about selected nutrients, heavy metals and other...

NI 117 - 16 to 18 year olds who are Not in Education, Training or Employment (NEET)

The percentage of 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF): Pupil Annual School Level Census...


Abortions: total period abortion rate, 11-49 years, annual, F Legal terminations of pregnancy. The total period abortion rate is the average number of abortions (NHS and private) that would...

Bereaved carers' views on the quality of care in the last 3 months of life (NHSOF 4.6)

This indicator measures the experience of care for people at the end of their lives, based on the views of bereaved carers, from the National Bereavement Survey (VOICES). Purpose This indicator...

Psychological Therapies, Annual Report on the use of IAPT Services

The experimental figures presented in this annual report provide a picture of activity in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services and of the people that used them. The IAPT...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Key Performance Indicators

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is designed to support the NHS in delivering by 2014/2015: Evidence-based psychological therapies, as approved by the National...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2015

The 2015 Employer Skills Survey (ESS15) is the third in the series of UK-wide skills surveys run by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). The survey gives us a unique insight...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2013

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind in the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2011 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2013 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

Species point records from 1984 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus is the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly. Collection is by diving during the winter months, and during 1983/84 it is estimated that a total of...

Habitat point records from 1984 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus is the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly. Collection is by diving during the winter months, and during 1983/84 it is estimated that a total of...

Child poverty

Children in families experiencing economic deprivation

Infant Feeding Survey - 2010

Note: Following further validation, a couple of changes were needed which meant some findings previously reported in the Infant Feeding Survey 2010: Early Results publication were reported as...

Housing service requests

Data listing service requests from residents who are experiencing problems with their housing.

Species point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Habitat point records from 1981 James south Cornwall sublittoral survey

The principal aim of this survey was to record community and habitat information from the rocky sublittoral along the coast of Cornwall from Land's End to Nare Head (10 km north-east of Falmouth)....

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Evidence Base for London

The Mayor has a role to play in leading, shaping and responding to changes in London through the work of the GLA group. Inclusive London: the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy sets...

Cumulative Impact Area

Under the Licensing Act 2003, cumulative impact is the potential impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives of a significant number of licensed premises concentrated in one area, which...

Bradford rain gauge rainfall data

This dataset has been published as a one off dataset by City of Bradford MDC for the #FloodHack16.  The dataset shows 3 rain gauge locations across Bradford for the month of December 2015 covering...