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41 results found

2017 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK (October to December 2017)

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from October...

Planktonic foraminifer occurrence data from IODP Expedition 395C, Reykjanes Ridge (NERC Grant NE/W007002/1)

Qualitative abundance data from micropalaeontological residues from International Ocean Discovery Program Sites U1554, U1555, U1562, U1563 and U1564. Data represents abundance and preservation...

Reservoir inflows and release data, and optimised monthly rule curve ordinates (upper, lower and critical) for Pong and Bhakra reservoirs in Northern India

Data comprise reservoir inflows and release data (including spills), evaporation loss and optimised monthly rule curve ordinates (upper, lower and critical) for Pong and Bhakra reservoirs in...

Age model tie points and micropalaeontological data for International Ocean Discovery Program Hole U1488A, southern part of the Eauripik Rise, Pacific Ocean

Age model tie points and micropalaeontological data for International Ocean Discovery Program Hole U1488A. Relative abundances of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and six morphospecies of Pulleniatina...

Model output presented in the manuscript "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections and climate feedbacks" by Dentith et al. (2018) (NERC grant NE/L002574/1)

Output from the FAMOUS General Circulation Model presented in the study by Dentith et al. (2018) "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections...

Cooling Towers

The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations 1992 require any person who has control of premises where a device covered by those regulations is situated to notify the...

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of daily mean river flow for gauged catchments in Great Britain (1891 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-Oudin-daily]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and Oudin temperature-based potential evaporation). It provides daily...

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of daily mean river flow for gauged catchments in Great Britain (1960 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-MORECS-daily]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and MORECS potential evaporation). It provides daily mean river flow...

Water isotope data from Yaal Chac (lake), nearby groundwater and local precipitation (NERC grant NE/K00610X/1)

Surface waters and shallow groundwater samples were collected by completely filling 30 mL polyethylene bottles, which were then sealed with electrical tape to minimise the risk of evaporative loss....

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of monthly mean flow and soil moisture for Great Britain (1960 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-MORECS-monthly]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and MORECS potential evaporation). It provides monthly mean flow (m3/s)...

Oxygen and hydrogen isotope values of water samples, Jamaica (NERC grant NE/K00610X/1)

Surface waters and shallow groundwater samples were collected by completely filling 30 mL polyethylene bottles, which were then sealed with electrical tape to minimise the risk of evaporative loss....

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of monthly mean flow and soil moisture for Great Britain (1891 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-Oudin-monthly]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and Oudin temperature-based potential evaporation). It provides monthly...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields was presented at the CSLF...

Photos, XRF elements, total N and C, and isotopic data (d18O, d13C) from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225 cores, central Red Sea

Photographs, 18O/16O isotopic ratios, XRF-derived elemental and N, C concentration data are provided for sediment cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225, central Red Sea. This site was...

Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC)

Overview The Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC) data identifies green infrastructure, green infrastructure function (or ecosystem service) and pinch point mapping for the Black...

Coupled Mg/Ca - D47 isotope data on foraminifera and calibration samples (NERC grant NE/M003752/1)

We used existing coretop samples from several sites from the Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans (Fig. 1 and Table S1) to test the relationship between Mg/Ca ratios and D47 values in...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2012) [CHESS-PE]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2012. This dataset contains time series of two potential...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2015) [CHESS-PE]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2015. This dataset contains time series of two potential...

Pulleniatina sample weights U1486 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina sample weights U1486. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program which...

RAPID The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: Numerical model and observational data

"The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a combined modelling and observational approach" project, which was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID...