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663 results found

Inventory of Closed Mining Waste Facilities

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA260. The European Mining Waste Directive (2006/21/EC) requires Member States to create an inventory of closed or abandoned mine waste...

Outdoor Sports Facilities

Historic dataset. Has not been accurately updated for approximately 5 years and the accuracy of the data cannot be verified.

Trade Union Facility

This dataset shows staff time allocated to trade union activities and what proportion of the total wage bill this constitutes.

Norfolk Recycling Facilities

Locations of Recycling Facilities in Norfolk

Sunderland Leisure Facilities

List of all Leisure Facilities in Sunderland. This includes leisure centres, sports centres and complexes.

Outdoor sports facilities

This dataset shows a list of Leeds City Council (Parks and Countryside) and parish council managed outdoor recreation sites. It is recognised that some sections still need to be completed. If you...

Disabled Facilities Grants

Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) include data related to the number of grants issued and the breakdown of monies issued year on year by Calderdale Council. There are some empty periods within the...

Food Production Facilities

Food production facilities (large installations) for Oldham. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed...

Outdoor Sports Facilities

Natural or artificial surfaces either publicly or privately owned used for sport and recreation. Examples of such provision include outdoor sports pitches, tennis courts and bowling greens, golf...

Disabled Facilities Grants

This dataset contains statistics on Disabled Facilities Grants, broken down by financial year and will be updated on an annual basis. Disabled Facilities Grants are available to provide...

Metrolink Stop Facilities

Details of the facilities at Metrolink stops including accessibility information, car and cycle parking

Park User Facilities

Facilities for park users, comprising of art works, toilets, buildings, sports pavilion, drinking fountain, visitors centre, cafe, icecream // mobile catering, Park Ranger station and...

Disabled Facilities Grants

Disabled Facilities Grants showing the total numbers of referrals, grants awarded and cost. To apply for a disabled facilities grant click here and for further information click here.

Education Facilities

Primary and Secondary schools operated by Dundee City Council.

WEEE Designated Collection Facilities UK (anonymised)

Details of WEEE collected according to 13 categories of WEEE individual Designated Collection Facilities (DCF) that collect Household Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This data was...

Land Safeguarded for Health Facilities

The extent of land safeguarded for the development of Health Facilites within Nottingham City.

Public Outdoor Sports Facilities

The purpose of the feature is to show the locations of Public Outdoor Sports Facilities within Bassetlaw.

Trade Union Facility Time

Information relating to trade unions within the Council Under the Data Transparency Code, we are required to update this information on an annual basis

Trade union facility time

This dataset shows staff time allocated to trade union activities. Please note ----------- * Data is based on trade union roles/facilties time recorded corporately  * C= convenors * ULRC =...

Trade Union Facility Time

Trade Union information as required under Transparency Code including numbers, unions and estimated spend.