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1,186 results found

Engineering Laboratory Reports

A list of the laboratory reports produced from testing in the engineering geology laboratory. It includes report number, title and author's name(s). The reports themselves contain data on a wide...

Science, Engineering and Technology Indicators

The Science, Engineering and Technology Indicators, or SET Statistics, are a summary of key indicators covering government financing of science, engineering and technology, research and development...

ENG Licensed Blocks BNG

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

Council Allotment Garage Blocks

Garage blocks located on Council owned land used for Allotments. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

OGA RestrictedBlocks ETRS89

Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

OGA RestrictedBlocks WGS84

Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

OGA RestrictedBlocks ED50

Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

UKCS Licensed Blocks WGS84

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

UKCS Licensed Blocks ED50

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

UKCS Licensed Blocks ETRS89

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

BGS GeoIndex - Civil Engineering data theme (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Civil Engineering theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search for information about BGS data...

OGA Rd29 Blocks Offered ED50

Blocks open for applications as part of the 29th licensing round

OGA Rd29 Blocks Offered ETRS89

Blocks open for applications as part of the 29th licensing round

OGA Rd29 Blocks Offered WGS84

Blocks open for applications as part of the 29th licensing round

NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (BNG)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (ETRS89)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (ED50)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

NSTA Licensed and Unlicensed Blocks (WGS84)

A Licence is a geographically defined area for prospecting, exploration or extraction of petroleum resources. The North Sea Transition Authority’s licensing system covers oil and gas within Great...

Engineering and Asset Management

Includes monitoring, enforcement and policy development

DECC: Reports from Longannet ScottishPower UK Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Project

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what exactly would be required from an...