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1,015 results found

Mayor's Education Inquiry

On the 19th of October 2012 the Mayor published the final report from his Education Inquiry. For more information and to see the Mayor's response to the Education Inquiry's findings, please see the...

Cambridge Education Contract

Contract between London Borough of Barnet and Cambridge Education for the provision of Education & Skills services.

GLA response to the Department for Education’s Higher Education Reform Consultation.

The Greater London Authority’s responses to national government consultations relating to adult education, skills, and employment provision.

HPI - Educational resourcing

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Educational resourcing: Average expenditure per pupil Source: Department of Health (DoH): Budget and Outturn Statements, 2001-2002, Pupil Level Annual School...

Free nursery education

Number of free nursery education places taken up by three and four year olds Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Music Education hubs

Music Education Hubs awards

Higher Education

Statistics for Scotland from the UK-wide HE-BCI survey Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Performance Indicators : Education

Key Performance Indicators related to Education

Education terms (previously called A-Z of terms) - Department for Education

Education terms (previously called A-Z of terms) was the controlled vocabulary developed and maintained by the Department for Education. The Education terms vocabulary has been deprecated, and...

CWI Education Domain 2009

The Education Domain includes a variety of education outcomes including attainment, school attendance and destinations at age 16.

GLA Adult Education Budget

From 1 August 2019, the Secretary of State for Education delegated responsibility for the commissioning, delivery, and management of London’s Adult Education Budget (AEB) to the Mayor of...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the land and buildings used for educational purposes at all levels within the Brentwood Borough. The information includes the institution name, area in hectares and...

Educational Psychology Workforce Survey

Annual survey of the local authority educational psychology services. Data collected includes the number of full and or part time or on maternity leave educational psychologists and assistant...

Location of educational establishments

Grid referenced location of educational establishments Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), ONS Access to Services Team Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Grid...

Individual Music education hubs

Here you can find data on each of the Arts Council's Music education hubs. Information includes the address, name and type of every school within reach of a Music education hub.

London Annual Education Report 2015

Third annual educational performance report for London. Go to [](/annual-education-report-2015) to see the data behind the report.

London Annual Education Report 2014

Second annual educational performance report for London. Go to...

Elective Home Education Camden

Elective Home Education

Higher Education Qualifications (administrative geographies)

The information refers to NI domiciled students gaining higher education qualifications from UK higher education institutions. The dataset is collected annually and is based on students obtaining a...

Supporting the Growth of Further Education and Higher Education Facilities

The extent of sites safeguarded for Further and Higher Education, Research and Development, and Information & Communication Technology facilities within Nottingham City.