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113 results found

NACAP Drawing Breath - clinical audit report 2021/22

Drawing Breath is the first ‘state of the nation’ report to combine data on asthma, COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation across primary and secondary care services to underpin key messages, optimising...

Hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy construction drawings (NERC Grant NE/P004024/1)

Graphite software drawings of hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) parts. Each part is on a different file. Complete housing assembly drawing shows stacking of all different part on assembled...

Termite abundance and ecosystem processes in Maliau Basin, 2015-2016

This dataset consists of invertebrate abundance data and associated ecosystem measurements (Including leaf litter depth and mass, seedlings, soil moisture and nutrients, and rainfall) measured...

Deaths of children and young people due to traumatic incidents: Vehicle Collisions, Drownings, Violence and Maltreatment and Unintentional Injuries

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate traumatic deaths in children and young people, and to draw out learning and recommendations for service...

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate deaths in children due to asthma and anaphylaxis, and to draw out learning and recommendations for service...

Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Infancy and Childhood

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate sudden, unexpected and unexplained deaths in both infants and children and young people, and to draw out...

The Contribution of Newborn Health to Child Mortality across England

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate how illness around the time of birth affects the health of children up to the age of 10, and to draw out...

Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing

Draws together statistics on the following licensing authority powers under the Licensing Act 2003

Salmonella Outbreak database

MS Access system drawing from MOLIS, cases associated with specific outbreaks and clusters of salmonella infections

2011 Census KS Profiles Camden And Wards

Set of summary profiles for Camden and Camden Wards (PDF), drawing on the 2011 Census Key Statistics (and some Quick Statistics) tables.

2011 Census KS Profile - Camden And Wards

Set of summary profiles for Camden and Camden Wards (Excel tables), drawing on the 2011 Census Key Statistics (and some Quick Statistics) tables.

Learning from deaths: Children with a learning disability and autistic children aged 4 – 17 years

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate deaths in children with a learning disability and autistic children, and to draw out learning and...

Infection related deaths of children and young people in England

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate infection related deaths in children and young people, and to draw out learning and recommendations for...

Online research catalogue: Asante Gold Regalia in the The British Museum collection

Draws together the The British Museum’s collection of 220 pieces of gold regalia from the West African state of Asante in modern-day Ghana.

Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings within the borough that do not meet the criteria for English Heritage, but are still of historic interest. Placing buildings on the local list draws attention to their local...

Public Health Intelligence 2011 Census Ward Profiles

A set of ward profiles for Camden's 18 electoral wards drawing upon information released from the 2011 Census. THISA IS A ZIPPED FILE. Save it to your desired location and extract (unzip) the...

An international perspective on the UK

A new series of quarterly publications each with a different focus, which aim to support the understanding of the UK economy by drawing international comparisons. Source agency: Office for...

Forestry England Reservoirs

This dataset shows captured reservoirs within the Nations Forests. These will generally be created and permanent in character and have associated dams with spillways and draw down capability....

Dwelling Stock Estimates, England

Gives the number of homes in England, down to district level, and draws on a range of sources to compile the tenure profile of the stock. Source agency: Communities and Local...

Social Focus in Brief: Ethnicity

Draws a statistical picture of minority ethnic groups in the UK. It is the second in a new series of concise overviews of social issues. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...