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NI 089b - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Average time in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

NI 089a - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Number of schools in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

Performance Dashboard Applications for Section 36 consents, required for the construction, extension or operation of electricity generating stations

This dashboard shows information about how the Applications for Section 36 consents, required for the construction, extension or operation of electricity generating stations service is currently...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (NHSOF 3a)

The indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital in England for acute conditions such as ear/nose/throat infections, kidney/urinary tract infections and angina, among others,...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (CCGOIS 3.1)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence...

2001 English Nature (EN) South Walney Lagoons: Conservation Management Requirements Study

Survey name: 2001 English Nature (EN) South Walney Lagoons: Conservation Management Requirements Study This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

NI 089 Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures and improvement in time taken to come out of the category

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

Regulator of Social Housing TSM Technical Requirements – Updated 15 March 2024

This document sets out the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) data definitions and requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing that all registered providers must meet. These definitions were...

Review of quantitative data requirements of Local Government and Public Bodies

Statistics on the number of requests for quantitative information that Scottish Government put to local government and other public bodies in 2005/06 and 2008/09. Source agency: Scottish...

General licences - excluded areas where specific licences are required

This dataset is a list of designations where General licences 001, 002 and 004 do not apply. Those wishing to shoot birds listed on the general licences will require a bespoke species...

Printer usage

Printer usage by department, device, user, document information and other dimensions, from printer management software. Covers UK offices only, from 2012.

OS Detailed Path Network

OS Detailed Path Network is a fully-connected, heighted path network covering Britain’s National Parks. Create off-road navigation apps, build exciting navigation websites and apps that help your...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Mobile Usage

Data pertaining to use of mobile phone and broadband devices by employees and internet usage by employees.

Quantitative and qualitative data relating to the inhibition of a phosphatase reaction by microcystin on a paper-based analytical device (PAD)

[This dataset is embargoed until October 28, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the development of a paper analytical device for the detection of the microcystin toxin. Water samples...

NERC Grant NE/N011708/1. An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification

Laboratory data examining the role of silicon in coccolithophore biology, looking at effects on coccolith formation and on growth.

NERC Grant NE/N011708/1. An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification

Laboratory data examining the role of silicon in coccolithophore biology, looking at effects on coccolith formation and on growth.

Number of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMap - All speeds

Number of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMap - All speeds

Number of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMap – Rapid chargers

Number of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMap – Rapid chargers

Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 - Central and Education (Maintained School) Functions

Set out below is the information the council is required to publish under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 for its central and education (maintained...

Summary provisional statistics on breath alcohol screening tests England and Wales

The bulletin provides some provisional analysis based on the results of breath alcohol tests administered by police in 2009 at the roadside using recently introduced new digital breath testing...