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93 results found

Species point records from 1989 UMBSM northern Firth of Clyde sealochs survey

The Cowal peninsula and mainland around the northern Firth of Clyde are deeply indented by six sealochs: Lochs Riddon, Striven, Goil, Long, the Holyloch and the Gareloch. The first two are...

Habitat point records from 1989 UMBSM northern Firth of Clyde sealochs survey

The Cowal peninsula and mainland around the northern Firth of Clyde are deeply indented by six sealochs: Lochs Riddon, Striven, Goil, Long, the Holyloch and the Gareloch. The first two are...

Species point records from 1986 Hiscock mid-Wales' sarns sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out to describe the sublittoral fringe communities on and around the Mid-Wales Sarns (Sarn Badrig, Sarn-y-Bwch and Cynfelin Patches), and to assess their scientific interest...

Habitat point records from 1986 Hiscock mid-Wales' sarns sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out to describe the sublittoral fringe communities on and around the Mid-Wales Sarns (Sarn Badrig, Sarn-y-Bwch and Cynfelin Patches), and to assess their scientific interest...

Flood Depth Grid 20m

‘Flood Depth Grid 20 meters’ is a national modelled dataset that shows flood depths on a 20x20 metre grid. These have been created using a Digital Terrain Model re-sampled to 20 metres and 1 in...

Species point records from 1977 SWBSS Padstow sublittoral survey

The survey was planned in order to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and populations in the region of Padstow, to provide information for Underwater Conservation Year projects, and to give...

Habitat point records from 1977 SWBSS Padstow sublittoral survey

The survey was planned in order to describe the range of sublittoral habitats and populations in the region of Padstow, to provide information for Underwater Conservation Year projects, and to give...

Species point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Habitat point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Mid-irish Sea Reef Habitat Map

The aim of this research contract was to improve understanding of the habitats and communities present in an area of the Irish Sea identified as potentially containing Annex I reef habitat...

Gro for GooD VES (Vertical Electrical Soundings) Data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

Results of Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) study conducted in Kwale County, Kenya in July and August 2017 by University of Nairobi and Water Resources Management Authority as part of the Gro...

Species point records from 1990 MNCR Mull of Galloway/Auchencairn sublittoral survey

The Solway Firth straddles the western border between Scotland and England, the southern shores lying in Cumbria, the northern shores in Dumfries and Galloway. The Solway is an area of transition...

Habitat point records from 1990 MNCR Mull of Galloway/Auchencairn sublittoral survey

The Solway Firth straddles the western border between Scotland and England, the southern shores lying in Cumbria, the northern shores in Dumfries and Galloway. The Solway is an area of transition...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Still Image Analysis

Still image analysis of the groundtruthing data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local capacity to...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Satellite Derived Bathymetry 2m

Satellite derived bathymetry data created as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local capacity to undertake...

Species point records from 1986 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus, normally the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly during the winter months, was not collected during the winter of 1985/86. This report presents...

Species point records from 1983 Rostron Isles of Scilly sublittoral sediment survey

The survey was carried out in July 1983 to obtain information on the communities present in the extensive shallow sublittoral sediments of the Isles of Scilly in relation to the proposals to...

Habitat point records from 1986 Bishop Scilly Isles Echinus population study

Echinus esculentus, normally the subject of a small scale commercial fishery in the Isles of Scilly during the winter months, was not collected during the winter of 1985/86. This report presents...

Habitat point records from 1983 Rostron Isles of Scilly sublittoral sediment survey

The survey was carried out in July 1983 to obtain information on the communities present in the extensive shallow sublittoral sediments of the Isles of Scilly in relation to the proposals to...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla MBES Bathymetry 2m

Multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project " Mapping Anguilla's 'Blue Belt' Ecosystem Services". The project aimed to develop local capacity to...