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Council Current Spending

Details of Council spending from April 2016 onward. Please click 'Download' to view this data in a spreadsheet.  This will enable you to filter the information more easily, for example by month. ...

Development Pipeline - Current

Records all sites of new buildings and refurbishments over 1000 sq m in the development pipeline at the time of the last development survey (end of March/September). More detail provided in the...

List of current Registered and Umbrella Bodies

List of current Registered and Umbrella Bodies - published as part of transparency committments.

Birth trends in London

This Intelligence Unit Update (08-2016) analyses a range of data for London and the rest of the country, looking at trends in the number and patterns of births, and potential subsequent impacts on...

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

NI 123 - 16+ current smoking rate prevalence

This indicator relates to clients receiving support through the NHS Stop Smoking Services. A client is counted as a self-reported 4-week quitter if they have been assessed 4 weeks after the...

Trends in consultation rates in General Practice

Describes the population and practices contributing to the analysis in terms of geographical location, list size and overall age-sex structure. Analyses trends in consultations by age and sex...

Health Survey for England: Trend Tables

The Health Survey for England series was designed to monitor trends in the nation’s health, to estimate the proportion of people in England who have specified health conditions, and to estimate the...

Trends in populations of selected bat species: 1990 - 2010

Trends in populations of selected bat species

Transport Trends

Provides summary figures on road vehicles, traffic, accidents, toll bridges, bus and rail passengers, road and rail freight, air and water transport, personal travel and comparisons with...

Social Trends

This series ended in 2012. An established reference source, Social Trends draws together social and economic data from a wide range of government departments and other organisations; it paints a...

Travel Trends

Presents the main annual results from the International Passenger Survey (IPS), which collects information from passengers as they enter or leave the UK by the principal air, sea and tunnel...

Consumer Trends

Contains details of Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK. The main tables include all expenditure on goods and services by members of UK households. Source agency: Office...

Pension Trends

Pension Trends provides a statistical backdrop for the debate on pensions. It looks at changes in pension provision over time in the context of social and economic developments and changes in the...

Population Trends

Covers population and demographic information. It contains commentary on the latest findings and topical articles on relevant subjects. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Regional Trends

Regional Trends is a comprehensive regular source of official statistics for the Statistical Regions of the UK (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Government Office Regions within England)....

NI 174 - Skills gaps in the current workforce reported by employers

Skills gaps exist where employers report having employees who are not fully proficient at their job. The source of the data is the National Employer Skills Survey (NESS) commissioned by the LSC,...

NI 174 - Skills gaps in the current workforce reported by employers

Skills gaps exist where employers report having employees who are not fully proficient at their job. The source of the data is the National Employer Skills Survey (NESS) commissioned by the LSC,...

Life expectancy - current figures

Life expectancy and disability free years statistics

Current Incidents Information Feed

Information Feed about Yorkshire Water Current Investments, in JSON format. *This dataset has been published within the York Open Data thanks to the courtesy of Leeds Data Mill