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34 results found

Lorn Road

showing boundaries of views identified in the Lambeth Local Views Study 2012

Habitat point records from 1995 MNCR Firth and Lynn of Lorn training survey

Three sites in the Firth and Lynn of Lorn surveyed by standard MNCR sublittoral recording techniques along a transect line approximately 35 m long. Each recorder made their own records at each site...

Species point records from 1995 MNCR Firth and Lynn of Lorn training survey

Three sites in the Firth and Lynn of Lorn surveyed by standard MNCR sublittoral recording techniques along a transect line approximately 35 m long. Each recorder made their own records at each site...

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of sublittoral habitats and their associated biota in the Firth of Lorn: biotopes

Methodologies for broad scale mapping of sublittoral habitats and biota based on acoustic remote sensing was developed as the Broadscale Mapping Project (BMP), a three year project funded by a...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1354, Firth of Lorne, (28/05/2012 to 18/10/2013)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1354; Firth of Lorne,...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1362, Outer Approaches to Firth of Lorne, (27/07/2011 to 16/10/2012)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1362; Outer Approaches...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1363, Inner Approaches to the Firth of Lorne, (08/08/2011 to 12/03/2012)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1363; Inner Approaches...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 2015/7 RD2 Rockdrill Trials: Firth of Lorne/East of Colonsay (19/Aug/2015 to 29/Aug/2015)

This marine sampling survey took place in August 2015 in the area of Firth of Lorne and east of Colonsay on board the NLV Pharos. The survey was carried out by the British Geological Survey (BGS)....

British Geological Survey (BGS) Multibeam and Sampling Survey 2011/2: Firth of Lorn north (15/Feb/2011 to 05/Mar/2011)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine multibeam and sampling survey took place over two separate periods (15-18 February and 24 February - 5 March 2011) in an area at the northern tip of the...

2012 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Sound of Mull approaches and Firth of Lorn benthic camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1621A) in the approaches to the Sound of Mull and northern part of the Firth of Lorn was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of...

2012 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Sound of Mull approaches and Firth of Lorn benthic camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1621A) in the approaches to the Sound of Mull and northern part of the Firth of Lorn was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of...

2005 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Firth of Lorn SAC rocky reefs site condition monitoring survey

The Firth of Lorn has been selected as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for the marine feature ‘reefs’, an Annex I habitat under the 1992 Habitats Directive. The chief reason for the...

2005 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Firth of Lorn SAC rocky reefs site condition monitoring survey

The Firth of Lorn has been selected as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for the marine feature ‘reefs’, an Annex I habitat under the 1992 Habitats Directive. The chief reason for the...

Species point records from 1989 UMBSM/MNCR Sound of Luing (Firth of Lorn) survey

This small, one day, survey was carried out in response to an application to site a fish farm in this area, on Lunga. A brief synopsis was supplied to the Crown Estates Commision. The overall...

Habitat point records from 1989 UMBSM/MNCR Sound of Luing (Firth of Lorn) survey

This small, one day, survey was carried out in response to an application to site a fish farm in this area, on Lunga. A brief synopsis was supplied to the Crown Estates Commision. The overall...

1984-2016 Carl Farmer Loch Linnhe records of Crassostrea and Spartina anglica

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Lorn Natural History Group. The species listed are Crassostrea and Spartina anglica.

1984-2016 Carl Farmer Loch Linnhe records of Crassostrea and Spartina anglica

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Lorn Natural History Group. The species listed are Crassostrea and Spartina anglica.

Primary Shopping Area

Defined as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan 2003. South Norfolk is creator of this data and it is reviewed and updated as part of the Local Plan process. Government Planning Policy Note PPG6...

Secondary Shopping Area

Defined as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan 2003. South Norfolk is creator of this data and it is reviewed and updated as part of the Local Plan process. Government Planning Policy Note PPG6...

Central Business Areas

Defined as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan 2003. South Norfolk is creator of this data and it is reviewed and updated as part of the Local Plan process. The data shows the business area in a...