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Connect is an IT tool which enables HMRC to identify potential tax fraud and broader criminal networks with greater speed and efficiency, whilst enabling compliant customers to be processed faster...

Habitat Connectivity

Habitat Connectivity

Security Connect

Links security pass system to DFID Connect to allow staff photos to be uploaded/stored and disassociated.

Index of Internet Connectivity

Developed the Index of Internet Connectivity as part of a package of measures to help monitor the UK's use of the Internet and the growth of e-commerce. Source agency: Office for National...

Transport Connectivity Statistics: England

New experimental statistics presenting travel time data measuring connectivity to key transport destinations (major airports, stations, road junctions and ports) from each area of England, by road...

Better connected 2010 survey results

Provides headline results from Better connected, Socitm's UK-wide annual survey of the usefulness and usability of all local authority websites.

Analytical Methods in Feedstuffs

Development of analytical methods to detect residues of active ingredients in feedstuffs

Survey of Agricultural Production Methods

Statistics on Scottish Agricultural Production Methods Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Transport Connectivity Travel Time Data

Representative travel times from each small area of England to selected transport destinations (airports, larger rail stations and major road junctions) which are the outputs of journey time...

FGS Target Area - Clyde Climate Forest - Native Woodlands for Connectivity

This dataset identifies the target areas within the Clyde Climate Forest where a higher payment rate is available to create and manage Native Woodlands for Connectivity. Native Woodlands provide...

Connectivity matrices for seven benthic species

These are connectivity matrices calculated from the results of Lagrangian models (GITM forced with GETM) for the period 2001-2010 and for seven benthic species: Alcyonium digitatum, Echinus...

Connectivity matrices for seven benthic species

These are connectivity matrices calculated from the results of Lagrangian models (GITM forced with GETM) for the period 2001-2010 and for seven benthic species: Alcyonium digitatum, Echinus...

England's Historic Seascapes: Demonstrating the Method

The HSC: Demonstrating the Method Project, funded by the ALSF, marks the initial implementation of a rigorous, repeatable methodology for Historic Seascape Characterisation, applying the principles...

England's Historic Seascapes: Demonstrating the Method

The HSC: Demonstrating the Method Project, funded by the ALSF, marks the initial implementation of a rigorous, repeatable methodology for Historic Seascape Characterisation, applying the principles...

JNCC's Marine Monitoring Method Finder

The Marine Monitoring Method Finder brings together a wide range of monitoring guidelines and procedures, and makes them readily available for use via a spreadsheet tool and search bar on our...

Control methods for Honey bee pest & diseases

Investigating novel control methods for honey bee pests and diseases

Estimates of properties not connected to the gas network

Estimates of the number of domestic properties not connected to the gas grid, at region, local authority, Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) levels and parliamentary...

New Insurance Data and Methods (1997-2008)

This article illustrates the key areas of change that the new insurance estimates affect within the UK National Accounts. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Barrow Port Area Action Plan Policy BP11 - Improving Connectivity

Areas affected by policy BP11 Improving Connectivity from the Barrow Port Area Action Plan. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Global Connections Survey

Annual Scottish exports statistics for 2002-2008, disaggregated by industry, country of destination and size of company. In addition, statistics for exports from Scotland to the rest of the UK...