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703 results found

LIDAR Composite DSM 2017 - 2m

This dataset is no longer available on the Data Services Platform. New version of the LIDAR Composite DSM data is available...

LIDAR Composite - Coverage and Extents for Scotland

This dataset shows each tile available and the extent of data in each individual tile that went into the merging process to create the LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM. The data is supplied as a...

Habitat Location and Composition

Dataset showing Habitat species, distribution and location across the borough

1m LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM for Scotland

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA458. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft...

50cm LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM for Scotland

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA458. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft...

2m LIDAR Composite DSM & DTM for Scotland

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA458. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft...

LIDAR Composite First Return DSM 2020 - 2m

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been retired. A new version of the data is available here: The LIDAR Composite First...

LIDAR Composite First Return DSM 2020 - 1m

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been retired. A new version of the data is available here: The LIDAR Composite First...

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 10m

The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 10m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - 1m

The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Surface Model (DSM) - 1m

The LIDAR Composite DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution. The DSM (Digital Surface Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 2m

The LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) is produced from the last or only...

LIDAR Composite Digital Surface Model (DSM) - 2m

The LIDAR Composite DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a raster elevation model covering ~99% of England at 2m spatial resolution. The DSM (Digital Surface Model) is produced from the last or only...

NI 044 - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals

This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

NI 044 - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals

This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

Waste Composition Analysis - Houses

Analysis of tonnages of household waste presented in recycling, food waste, garden waste and residual waste bins. Based on sample survey bin contents from a number of houses carried out in November...

Waste Composition Analysis - Flats

Analysis of tonnages of household waste presented in recycling, food waste, garden waste and residual waste bins. Based on sample survey bin contents from a number of flats. Includes a comparison...

NI 044b - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals - Mixed

This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

NI 044a - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals - White

This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

Hip fracture: care process composite indicator (CCGOIS 3.18)

Of people aged 60 and over with hip fracture, the percentage who receive all nine of the agreed best practice standards, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Dec-16 Next version...