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FE data library: vocational qualifications archive

Vocational qualifications are qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. The National Vocational Qualifications included in these tables cover all those accredited by Ofqual and are...

Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training Centre, Customer Relationship Management Data

Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT) centre & course approvals - organisation & approved centre name & address, contact email & telephone no, nature, business size...

FE data library: vocational qualifications

Information on qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. Vocational qualifications are qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. The National Vocational...

Area Management - Ports and harbours - Statutory harbour limit boundaries

Indicative polygons showing the statutory limits of harbour authorities around Scotland, including competent harbour authorities with responsibilities under the Pilotage Act 1987. The dataset...

Ships Routeing

A data set consisting of polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation Schemes are...

Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes Web Feature Service

This Web Feature Service publishes polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation...

Ships' Routeing Measures

A data set consisting of polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation Schemes are...

Ships' Routeing Measures Download Service

This Web Feature Service publishes polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation...

Ships' Routeing Measures View Service

This Web Map Service publishes polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation...

Pollution Incidents Summary

PLEASE NOTE: We have removed this dataset as ownership of the data within it no longer sits with a single organisation. The Environment Agency is currently working on a revised version of this...

1996 Farrell and Fletcher Torbay Undaria pinnatifida records

As part of a study into the ecology of the recently introduced macroalga Undaria pinnatifida in the British Isles, the competitive ability of this adventive kelp with native species was...

Visible leaf injury of Trifolium repens versus Lolium perenne after ozone exposure in solardomes

The dataset consists of proportions of ozone injured or senesced leaves from a study which investigated how the presence of competing species in a community affects these two common responses to...

Apprenticeships Starts and Completions, Region and Local Authority

Table shows numbers and index change since 2005/06 of apprenticeship starts and completions. Apprenticeships are paid jobs that incorporate on- and off-the-job training leading to nationally...

Septic Tanks - Scotland

This dataset is an amalgamation of licenced SEPA, Scottish Water, Assessors and some Local Authorities Septic Tanks in Scotland. Under section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Under...

DAERA CSEMP Sediment Contaminant Monitoring

DAERA Marine and Fisheries Division are the Competent Monitoring Authority responsible for annual sediment sampling at 7 sites in waters around Northern Ireland. The sites are part of the Clean...

FCA: General insurance value measures data 2022

This is the FCA's first full year of general insurance value measures data, for January to December 2022. General insurance is an important product for consumers and provides essential protection...

Species point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

Habitat point records from 1985-87 Procter Torbay caves survey

The massive limestone promontory of Berry Head is probably the most impressive outcrop of Devonian limestone in south Devon. Forming the southern tip of Torbay, the head shelters the fishing port...

FCA: General insurance value measures data 2023

The FCA's second full year of general insurance value measures data covers January to December 2023. The data provides firms, market commentators and organisations such as consumer groups with...

Environmental conditions at saiga calving and die-off sites in Kazakhstan, 1979 to 2016

This dataset describes environmental conditions at 135 Saiga antelope calving sites (from a total of 214) in Kazakhstan where the predictor variables required for the modelling were available at...