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Carrying Agent Approvals 2014

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Responses to consultations carried out externally

Reponses to public consultations which are carried out by external bodies on behalf of the Department for Transport

E-Auctions carried out by GPS

A list of the e-Auctions by value that have been carried out by GPS within each category

Environmental behaviours carried out by small and medium enterprises in 2009

Environmental behaviours carried out by small and medium enterprises in 2009

Soil survey in England, Scotland and Wales carried out during 2013 and 2014 [LTLS]

Data comprise results of a soil survey in England, Scotland and Wales carried out during 2013 and 2014 as part of the NERC Macronutrient Cycles project: LTLS : Analysing and simulating long-term...

2001 Lin Baldock, various sites in Dorset, Dive Log records and observations carried out by Lin Baldock

Records from dives and intertidal visits carried out in 2001 by Lin Baldock within the Dorset area. Event reference for dives refers to the Dive Code in Lin Baldock's dive log which is held by...

2001 Lin Baldock, various sites in Dorset, Dive Log records and observations carried out by Lin Baldock

Records from dives and intertidal visits carried out in 2001 by Lin Baldock within the Dorset area. Event reference for dives refers to the Dive Code in Lin Baldock's dive log which is held by...

Statistical Surveys Of Businesses Carried Out By Northern Ireland Departments

Summary details of Government statistical surveys of businesses in Northern Ireland Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

2000 - 2003 Lin Baldock, various sites in Dorset, Dive Log records and observations carried out by Lin Baldock

Records from dives and intertidal visits carried out in from 2000 to 2003 by Lin Baldock within the Dorset area. Event reference for dives refers to the Dive Code in Lin Baldock's dive log which...

2000 - 2003 Lin Baldock, various sites in Dorset, Dive Log records and observations carried out by Lin Baldock

Records from dives and intertidal visits carried out in from 2000 to 2003 by Lin Baldock within the Dorset area. Event reference for dives refers to the Dive Code in Lin Baldock's dive log which...

Peat survey in England, Scotland and Wales carried out during 2014 [LTLS]

Data comprise bulk density, loss on ignition, carbon content of peat, nitrogen content of peat, total phosphorus content of peat, soil 13 carbon content and soil 14 carbon content from samples...

NI 059 - Initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral

Initial assessments are an important indicator of how quickly services can respond when a child is thought to be at risk of serious harm. As the assessments involve a range of local agencies, this...

NI 059 - Initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral

Initial assessments are an important indicator of how quickly services can respond when a child is thought to be at risk of serious harm. As the assessments involve a range of local agencies, this...

Transcripts of qualitative community surveys carried out in Amuria (A) and Katakwi (K) districts, north-eastern Uganda (NERC grant NE/L001799/1)

The data are transcripts of qualitative community surveys carried out in Amuria (A) and Katakwi (K) districts, north-eastern Uganda, as part of a pilot project looking at causes of borehole/hand...

NI 060 - Percentage of core assessments for children's social care that were carried out within 35 working days of their commencement.

The Assessment Framework specifies that core assessments should be completed within 35 working days. the indicator measures the percentage of core assessments which were completed within 35 working...

NI 060 - Percentage of core assessments for children's social care that were carried out within 35 working days of their commencement.

The Assessment Framework specifies that core assessments should be completed within 35 working days. the indicator measures the percentage of core assessments which were completed within 35 working...

1975-1981 T.G. Skinner Solway Firth Occurrence of some prominent zooplankton

Five surveys carried out by T.G. Skinner in the Solway Firth Areas. Surveys were carried out with plankton nets and a count of the species captured were carried out. This survey is the second...

1975-1981 T.G. Skinner Solway Firth Occurrence of some prominent zooplankton

Five surveys carried out by T.G. Skinner in the Solway Firth Areas. Surveys were carried out with plankton nets and a count of the species captured were carried out. This survey is the second...

Chalara Fraxinea Survey England 10K Grid 2013-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Chalara Fraxinea. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease was found...

Dothistroma Needle Blight Survey England 10K Grid 2013-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Dothistroma Needle Blight. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease...