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468 results found

Water Body Status Classification Tees

Water body status classification data indicates the quality or status of water bodies across a range of different parameters known as quality elements. This dataset includes the classification...

HPI: Human capital

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Human Capital: Average examination results at three stages Source: Department of Health (DoH), National Pupil Database (NPD), 2001-2002, and Pupil Level Annual...

HPI: Health capital

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health capital: Individuals potential for health across the life course Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England, 1998 to 2001, ONS...

Capital Forecast Return

Local government capital expenditure and receipts forecast Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CFR

Capital Forecast Live table

Capital expenditure and receipts forecast by local authorities Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CFR Live table

Enabling a Natural Capital Approach

These datasets form part of Defra’s Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) resource. The Services and Assets Databooks together collate around 400 UK data sources, tools and studies for 8...

Schools Waste - Activity (t)

Schools Waste - Activity (t)

Schools Waste - Recycling (t)

Schools Waste - Recycling (t)

Schools Waste - Landfill (t)

Schools Waste - Landfill (t)

Corporate Waste - Recycling (t)

Corporate Waste - Recycling (t)

Corporate Waste - Landfill (t)

Corporate Waste - Landfill (t)

Corporate Waste - Activity (t)

Corporate Waste - Activity (t)

Capital Stock, Capital Consumption

This article explains the changes to methods used in estimating Capital Stocks and Consumption of Fixed Capital. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Capital Gains Tax

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Venture Capital Trusts

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Atlas T&S


Quarterly Capital Payments to December 2008

Local government capital expenditure and receipts Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Capital Payments and Receipts Live table

Qaurterly capital expenditure and receipts (CPR1-4) England Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Capital Programme

Actual and planned expenditure for our Captial Programme.

2012 Natural England Tees Estuary (WFD) Intertidal Project

Survey name: 2012 Natural England Tees Estuary (WFD) Intertidal Project This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary...