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Section 106 Agreements

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Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 agreements within Milton Keynes

Section 106 sites

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in...

Section 106 Agreements

Wychavon District Council Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Orders

Section 106 Orders (S106) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Section 106's are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable. Upon...

Section 106 Agreements

A Section 106 is a legal agreement between an applicant seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, which is used to mitigate the impact of your new home on the local community...

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Agreements within Warwick District

Section 52 106

Data set on Section 52 106

Section 106 Orders

Section 106 Orders (S106) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Section 106's are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable. Upon...

Section 106 Land

Section 106 Land

A section 75 analysis of mortality patterns in Northern Ireland

An analysis of mortality within Northern Ireland using the NI Mortality Study. Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

CRoW Act 2000 - Section 15 Land

Shows land subject to pre-existing public access rights that on CROW access land apply instead of the CROW rights Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data ©...

Section 52 and 106 Agreements

Planning obligations (section 52 and 106 agreements) are linked to a planning application decision, made either by the local planning authority or by the Planning Inspectorate in the case of an...

Thurrock Section 106 Agreements

This dataset contains polygons of the legal agreements associated with Planning Permissions - Section 106 Agreements under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Upon accessing this Licensed Data...

Liverpool Section 106 Notices

Section 106 Notices, infrastructure levy

Section 106-Legal agreement

Identifies sites where legal agreement has been entered into in connection with a planning application under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act. Section 106s entered into between the...

Section 106 Agreement Sites

Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority to enter into a legally binding agreement or planning obligation with a developer in association with the...

Section 52 and 106 Agreements

Planning obligations (section 52 and 106 agreements) are linked to a planning application decision, made either by the local planning authority or by the Planning Inspectorate in the case of an...

Section 251 Budget Statements

Section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 states that local authorities should produce an annual budget statement and outturn statement. These provide details on...

Section 251 Outturn statements

Section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 states that local authorities should produce an annual budget statement and outturn statement. These provide details on...